Disease resistant apples?

I have Enterprise and I like the fruit. I have a friend that was impressed by the flavor and he is fairly picky when it comes to fruit.

On the forum peoples’ opinions are mixed. Some don’t like the skin which is thicker than most commercial apples. Flavor is also somewhat regionally dependent since the climate effects flavor for all apples. It does well here in the Midwest and actually the test orchard for the PRI program that bred the apple isn’t far from my home. The fruit also keeps well in storage.

The tree grows well and the leaves are the cleanest in my orchard. That helps a lot if you don’t want to spray often. I think it would be a good choice especially for organic growers.

Here is a link to a thread that talks about the Enterprise apple.

You may want to look at this link for Enterprise. Click on the review tab and a bunch of people have reviewed the apple.