So… I just had what I would describe as the first-ever good batch of CrimsonCrisp apples. However, I still don’t think I like them very much.
I wanted to share my thoughts with forum members:
One of the local farmers here has been growing and selling CrimsonCrisp for a few years now. He’s told me that he is very excited about the variety’s sales potential.
Every year I buy a bunch from him. They’ve always looked beautiful and blemish free, with a strong purplish red color all around. But the taste and texture is usually underwhelming.
This year, the apples look different, and are particularly gorgeous with a ruddy orange color. This better matches with what the apples are supposed to look like based on internet photos.
Here is this year’s batch of CrimsonCrisp:
This year’s batch of CrimsonCrisp are pleasantly crisp and juicy, with a perfectly pleasing texture. They are mildly sweet with a strange but distinct SAVORY taste I cannot quite describe. The savory flavor is quite strong in this batch and I don’t quite care for it, but I would imagine others might.
CrimsonCrisp is one of the PRI Co-op apples… perhaps the most successful ever disease-resistance focused apple breeding program. Others from that program include Pristine, Pixie Crunch, Goldrush, Williams’ Pride, etc etc.
The literature admits that CrimsonCrisp can suffer from rust and fireblight, but it is listed as field immune to scab-- a huge boon.
Pixie Crunch recently skyrocketed high up on my list of favorite apples. It has the same kind of savory flavor I’ve noticed in CrimsonCrisp, but the flavor is much more subtle in Pixie Crunch, instead of dominating like in CrimsonCrisp.