Does anyone here have any experience distiling the mint oils (fragrance essential molecule) out of the mint generally grown in our gardens?
Does anyone here have any experience distiling the mint oils (fragrance essential molecule) out of the mint generally grown in our gardens?
I don’t have experience with it Mike but here is how to do it the right way It effectively is like a whiskey still. I have seen people use vinegar and alcohol to make a concentrated liquid from garlic and berries etc. (this is the cheaper way to get some mint liquid but its not a true concentrate) This link documents the process fairly well These machines can extract cooking oil from seeds but i’m not sure about plants leaves (not a distillation to concentrate) I know it’s not mint but the process is similar. Here is how to make slow gin from sloe berries and gin and These are the blackthorn bushes
Before someone asks here is the distiller for making essential oils For essential oil production on a budget
The caveat on that is that anyone in the U.S.A. needs a federal permit to distill alcohol as in making gin, and possibly state and local permits as well.
Yes I would definitely not advice anyone make the gin rather buy the gin and add the sloes as noted above. The distiller is for the essential oil.
Does anyone else grow mint? I was curious if anyone knows if mint extracts require a special permit to sell it? Had not considered it before now but distillation of mint might require a permit.