Does your Sugar Cane Jujube look like this?

Cliff, based on the picture can you tell what variety it may be? I am very happy with it and have been enjoying it from that first season.


I have Tigerā€™s tooth and GA866 grafts. They are very different.

Clockwise, Redlands4, GA866, Sherwood and Tigers Tooth.


Where are you located? The ripening time of the variety may help ID itā€¦

I agree they are not Sugarcaneā€¦ mine look just like Tonyā€™s.

Other than Tigertooth (which I doubtā€¦ my Tigertooth are more slender with a bit of a bend), I would add Winter Delight (Mango dong zao) and Autumn Beauty (Qi yue xian) to the list of possibilities.

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Thank you. I am in north Texas, north of Dallas. They ripen for me around the time Sherwood ripens(Early to mid September)

It is grafted onto Sherwood which is my original tree.


The fruit looks like my XuThou fruit. Ripens about the same time. My tree came from Englandā€™s.

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I canā€™t see any GA-866 on your picture, Iā€™m afraid. They are elongated with a typical ā€œnoseā€ at the tip. Will be posting pictures as soon as they ripen up.

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I found these at the store today, could somebody identify please?


That looks like Ziziphus mauritiana.


Thank you! How does this compare to other Jujubes that are often discussed here please?

Not a clue. Iā€™d google and see if you can find a video review on it. Honey Jar and Sugarcane fulfill my Jujube needs. That type of jujube is tropical, so no interest for me.

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Crunchy, juicy and mildly sweet. Some are sweeter than others but not as sweet as Chinese jujubes. Thay also do not have that distinct aroma Chinese jujubes have,

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Thanks! Thatā€™s a perfect match of what I had tasted! Now Iā€™m very tempted to try Chinese jujubes, the only aroma I remember of them is from the dried packaged ones :unamused: Iā€™m sure the fresh ones smell better.

Actually, I personally think the dried ones are more aromatic as they are more condensed (not sure if it is the right word).

I like both Indian jujubes and Chinese jujbes. They are not the same. If people expect them to be similar, they may be disapponted. Chinese jujubes also have a denser texture. Indian jujubes are about crunchiness and juiciness.


i believe these are Indian Green Thornless Jujube ( Ziziphus mauritiana ) @mamuang can you tell me more about how Indian vs Chinese jujube compare when eating fresh?

I think I understand now why I donā€™t find the dried aroma that pleasant. It must be reminding me of the only jujube that I tasted in Tunisia which were much smaller than the ones I see here, and no one cared for them. I wouldnā€™t even call them crab-jujubes.

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I missed your post. I talk about good ones for fresh eating:
Indian/Thai jujubes crunchy, juicy, mildy sweet.
Chinese jujubes - crunchy (not as much as Indianā€™s), not as juicy but a lot sweeter and aromatic.

The popular The Indian/Thai varieties ripen when their skin turns paler green. I avoid buying dark green skin ones. They are picked too early.

Chinese ones usually ripen when skin turns brown.


thank you so much to explaining. i dont ever see the Indian jujubes sold locally in my area. But if i ever see it ill know to pick pale green for best taste. I do like more sweet but im still curious about Indian jujubes since they look tasty being green color.

Taiwan green jujube is bigger and tastier than Indiana jujube.
I plant three seedlings of Indian jujube and plant to graft Taiwan green jujube.


The most popular variety from Thailand now is called Milk (literally translated Fresh Milk), a hybrid of the Taiwan (for taste) and the Indian( from India for production). The best of both world.

You can google, Thai jujube, Milk. Unfortunately, I donā€™t trust sellers on EBay if they have the real Milk.


do you know where i can get Taiwan and green indian jujubes? i dont want to buy from ebay either

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