For anyone looking for Drippin’ Honey pear (Gurney’s), it is now available to order for spring… AND, for the next day or two, Gurney’s has 50% discounts on $50, $100, $200. The code I used was 0519717.
I just ordered one along with Honey Jar Jujube. I got the standard! I thought I remembered hearing asian pears fruit heavily and don’t get large?
Usually, to get larger fruit you need a full size rootstock since asian pears are naturally dwarfing. The trend lately is to put everything on dwarfing rootstock for consumer sales.
I believe clarkinks was suggesting the semi-dwarf is 5-6’ in diameter, and 12’, but could be kept at 8’.
I think I agree with getting it on standard. My semi-dwarf Asian pears seem to take longer to take off, and didn’t have much vigor when they fruited well this past year. I’d rather prune a little than get little new growth each year.
I wonder how much that has to do with being more east coast temp range than west coast temp range. My climate is colder but closer to you @PharmerDrewee than it is to @clarkinks
Be careful with the term standard in some soils some pear rootstocks can get 100 feet. Most people are thinking of callery as a standard pear which most callery are not they are shorter. A true Bradford pear can be very large 40 feet or taller. FRUIT TREE SEEDLINGS | Willamette Nurseries rootstock clonal seedling fruit tree ornamental seedlings
Betulaefolia aka Pyrus betulaefolia is a great rootstock for Asian pears but they get very large