Genetically Dwarf Southern Rose Peach. Less than 2 ft tall but the fruits are flavorful. This should be one of the easiest peach to grow in containers! Today’s current selections of genetically dwarf peaches have better flavors than ever rivaling even those of standard peaches! One of the overloaded branches broke before I was able to brace it so it looks unbalanced, otherwise it would truly look more beautiful. Next year I’ll make sure to get those support beams ready.
What’s the cultivar name, Joe?
Thinning more would be more effective with regards to fruit quality. If quantity is your goal then yes trying up is the plan.
I prefer the more open structure of a standard tree over the dwarfs.
Any peach in a container will be a dwarf. The size is limited by water or more correctly lack of water. I’ve had up to four standard stone fruit trees in a 30 gal container and all produced fruits.
Thanks Joe. Peaches are a real challenge here so I’m going to remember that variety.
Best regards,
I had an Empress for a couple years,then was given to a coworker.The fruit was okay,about 12 brix.More like a novelty to me. Brady
Unfortunately Southern Rose Peach has a low 250 chill hours, not a good choice for Zone 7. Anyone have a recommendation for a dwarf (bush) peach for Zone 7?
Great looking peaches. How did they taste? That is the biggest issue.
Great info, maybe I’ll just have to do some stone fruit containers now.
There’s an excellent tasting one that i’m going to try container growing and requires 700 chilling hours:
Thank you Joe!
Was surprised it tasted very good. May not be among the best, certainly is better tasting than my other standard peaches.
To me that is what matters, the taste. I am glad they taste good. Great choice Joe.
Why use a genetic dwarf for a container tree when all peaches are adequately dwarfed by the container that holds them? They stay small and produce fruit just fine.
That’s good to know Alan. Does a peach tree in a container need root pruning after a while?
In my experience, semi-dwarf and standard peaches in containers are a lot more work and they bear smaller fruits. You have seen how loaded the genetic dwarf peaches in containers and I haven’t seen any non-genetically dwarf peaches achieve the same production. The standard ones look very very pathetic in the same sized containers. That’s speaking from my own experience. Do you have pics of your normal peaches with fruits on 5 gal rated containers?
I’m not an expert on normal container growing. I grow hundreds of trees in containers and always have close to a hundred in my nursery at any given time, but I set them in soil and let the roots grow out- I prune these roots, or at least dig them up every couple years the trees go unsold, but this is very few of them. When I do that the trees runt out for a season. Usually I put good sized trees in 25 gallon containers and sell them after one season in the container. They runt out in the container (the one season they are in it) but grow well the season they are moved. If I don’t sell them they usually try to bare a nice crop the second year and look perfectly healthy.
Others on this forum have more experience with growing fruit in containers using conventional methods that restrict roots. Fruitnut most extensively, I think.
great info, thanks Alan