I believe we are to late to save the Ince pear i think it was lost to time. I have grown worden i dont think it is a match.
See if these help
Who knows this variety? Found partial information cached “An old American prized aromatic dessert pear. The skin is a striking dark maroon, dusted with pale lenticels, and the small pointed leaves are frequently” from a website since removed http://www.elisabethdowle.com/products/pear-giant-seckle.asp
You might ask why I care and it’s because its the cross between Giant Seckel and Comice that led to Warren and Magness pears. Would really like to continue to that experiment. In addition I loca…
A year ago I obtained 2 bareroot Seckel pears from Felix Gillet Institute and planted this one in the ground in December. The fruit stock is said to have originated from a 120 year-old tree nearby and grafted on grandchildren seedlings of the same. It is also said this specimen is fireblight hardy - we shall see!
Found this very interesting article on Worden I think you will enjoy Full text of "Worden Seckel pear"
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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices - ’ 1 ’ UGl ANNALS, APR 95 * MOV 4 919 I WORDEN SECKEL PEAR. SYRACUSE NURSERIES SMITHS & POWELL COMPANY, SYRACUSE, N. Y. \ I Worden Seckel Pear. THIS beautiful Pear was originated by Mr. Sy…
Seckel is another pear we always have to wonder about. The market has 100 small sugar pears all claiming to be seckel that are not. This tree appears to be the real seckel. That is a big problem with pears since so many are mislabeled. There are also legitimate pears that have part of the name dropped over time like “early seckle” or “Worden seckle” but they are not seckle. The photos below show various differences from the usda Corvallis
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We will continue to do our best to save some of the fruits from the ayer family while we have time. If we didn’t do it who would have? I believe we are in the positions we are with the connections we have for a reason.