Experience with Red Fleshed Apples

I would subscribe to the Skillcult youtube and blog. In years past he has used those channels to put out a notication before scionwood goes on sale/auction.


Check the blog pages for more in-depth descriptions of the varieties. Vanilla Pink may have a tannic skin to it. Probably depends on weather/soil/etc.
Cherry Crush and Black and Red were the two I was most interested in I think. There might have been others that were only mentioned in videos or blog posts and don’t have their own pages yet.

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Kissabel apple from Marks & Spencer. Shame about the sad-looking figs but that’s about as good as they get in the UK at this time of year lol.


I’d never picked Redfield so late before. 13 Brix & certainly ripe. Will add some to a pie this week. At lunch I even ate one the squirrels were excavating - decent balance of sweet/tart/berry flavor.


My best is definately rubaiyat! Here is sweet, balanced and full of color inside and outside!


i have Redfield and Otterson grafted on my odysso. maybe get fruit next year.


Hi Luis! I saw you have a Pink Princess apple tree. We just moved back from the US where we had lots of Pink Princess trees, to the EU and are looking to get a new Pink Princess to start growing them again, but its hard to get them from the US to the EU. Do you have a vendor that sells them in the EU or are you willing to send us some for compensation?
Feel free to send me a private message if you like, we would be super happy :slight_smile:

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Purple wood


Wow, what apple variety is that?


That is pretty neat.

I wonder what the wood of a more mature tree would look like. It could be valuable for woodworking even if the fruit isn’t desirable.


My only experience with red fleshed apples have been in my dreams.

Maybe one day they’ll become reality lol. Really don’t want to have to baby a 2ft apple tree for years since i don’t even like apples all that much.

That bark sure is pretty though


The Lucy glo is so good. It is by far my favorite apple that i have tried. They sell them at sprouts and a few smaller local stores in the late fall. I tried one before I ordered it. I ordered a tree the next day. I kid you not the apple tasted like a strawberry or raspberry juice was added to the flesh. It’s so good

I took a couple into my now 3rd graders class last year for an apple sampling activity where the kids tried about 20 different apple slices. The goal was to write using adjectives and adverbs about the apples. Anyway, the Lucy glo stole the show and was by far the favorite.

Pass on the Lucy rose, it is not nearly as amazing, just red fleshed. My Lucy gem whip just came into restoring Eden and I have to go pick it up.

I would say apple whips need little care. They grow pretty well on their own. The biggest thing is bunny girdling the stems, get a trunk guard. Not till it fruits is it work, with all the things around w Washington that want ruin apples.


Do you like your Rubaiyat better than Redlove Odysso, Hidden Rose/Aerlie’s Red Flesh, and Lucy Glo?

Those are the 3 red flesh I like best that I’ve eaten (in reverse order). The Odysso is the only one that I’d grown, although I have trees of all three now.

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Besides Lucy glo, what’s another good one for pollination efforts?

Can you imagine using naturally purple wood for craft projects? :scream: i might just get it for the wood and use the fruit to feed the animals if i don’t like it.

Some rootstocks have pretty red wood. I can’t remember off hand the dwarfing stock I have for my espaliers, but its one.


my odyssos like that but more a deep red.


Those stripes are wild!

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What cultivar is this with the purple wood?

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Dam, ya’ll are really bad on me. That didn’t take long :rofl:

B9 is distinctly red-colored wood and young leaves.