I’m curious what people’s favorite citrus is, or for those who can’t pick favorites, what’s the best one you’ve had? What did you like about it so much, and where did you get it?
I used to be near crazy for ruby red grapefruit, would eat two in a sitting just peeled and ate the segments, no sugar. The combination of sour with mild bitterness was super interesting every time. Before that was Cara Cara.
Recently, however, I’ve actually settled on kishu mandarins. The sweetness and pure mandarin flavor are just really refreshing. I’ve a feeling I’m rotating through towards something else soon, but for the time being it’s still kishu.
I use to love ruby red but Lipitor left me unable to eat grapefruit.
Kumquats, kumquats, and, umm, kumquats, followed by good mandarin oranges (I am partial to Cuties), but I’ll eat (and usually enjoy) just about any citrus. A year ago a customer gave me two Meyer lemons from the trees that he grows in a greenhouse attached to the house. I ended up eating them skin and all just like an apple. The experience was positive enough that it emboldened me to do the same with mandarins and approximate that enjoyment of the kumquat.
My favorties are ‘Clementine’ mandarins, ‘W. Murcott Afourer’ mandarins, ‘Kishu’ mandarins (although these way too often are not sweet enough for me, the growers have found some way to produce them year round quality goes up and down different times of the year and with different companies), navel oranges, ‘Midknight Valencia’ juicing oranges, ‘lemons’ for baking. Oh and I find ‘Gold Nugget’ mandarins addicting enough to buy some, yet not enough for me to grow them.
Kishu can be good, especially being seedless and small, but my favorite small/flavorful mandarin these days is Pixie.
Unfortunately the Pixie that I added to my greenhouse in 2022 has been a spider mite magnet and has grown more slowly than the Tahoe Gold, but neither has fruited yet. Maybe this will be the year for them both!
I do also like the TDE series (Tahoe Gold is TDE3), but I’ve only had them from the store marked as “TDE mandarin” so I don’t know which of the three releases I like best.
Right now,I like Gold Nugget from the local grocery store.The Xie Shan Satsuma Mandarins,from my small tree are good.
Gold Nugget mandarin.
Hands down Satsuma’s, then Minneola’s. And poor old common Valencia’s are tough, hardy beasts.
In no particular order it’s definitely satsumas (pretty much all cultivars) kumquats (Meiwa, Marumi, Fukushu, Nagami in this order) and Cara Caras and Sumos
I can eat infinite amounts of sumo, Cara Cara and satsumas. Kumquats admittedly are harder for me to eat as many of, although I love them.
Yes, Minneola is my favorite for it’s combination of size, peel, tartness, and juiciness.
Just paid $$ for 5 pounds of mandarinquat and juiced them.
Mandarins are my favorite but pomelo hybrids are close second. Within mandarins, almost all named varieties are great but if I were pick the absolute best, it would be clemenules. They are seeded but doesn’t bother me (I was surprised it didn’t). Kishu and Sumo are quite close. On pomelos, my favorites are Cocktail grapefruit and Valentine pomelo. Oro Blanco will be next.
Are good satsumas supposed to have a thick pith or membrane around the segments? Have eaten my first satsumas this year and was very disappointed to eat them when the membrane encasing them felt tougher and much more substantial than any orange or similar citrus type. They get so much praise, Im not sure I understand.
I do have a sweet tooth but good clementines are pure candy and my favorite by far. Havent been able to find them recently unfortunately
Satsumas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VogjoZcUO8w
and https://youtu.be/GdpWhkH4K7o?si=1EE6Dqes3mnH6cZD&t=359
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agKQHRA64ZQ
The Cuties brand has clementines October, November, December, January, in June, and in July. Although in October cuties also has something that they call Summer mandarins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VogjoZcUO8w
I have just learned that the Satsuma fruit is sweet, and not sour, although at the same time it’s supposedly about as acidic as a lemon.
yeah, I do that with my Meyer lemons! The skin is tasty. I like to squeeze the juice for recipes, etc and then eat the skin dipped lightly in sugar!
Meiwa kumquat is a favorite
Have to admit, of my citrus collection, I amassed the finest, done need the next finest. Sufficient!!! I also have an excellent variety of figs, no need for the next best variety.Nothing else matches them.Happy!!
Take a bite in one of these!