Fig Leaf Drop

Bare root Olympia Fig planted in a pot this spring. It all of a sudden dropped all it’s leaves in the past few days. Has buds, appears to still be alive. It has not gotten overly dry, but temps have hit ~90 the past week Do they react negatively to Neem by chance (sprayed late evening)? To anything else?


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Neem oil can be can be fairly overpowering for some plants.Another grower used it on her Nectarine tree and a lot of leaves dropped.
Yours should leaf out again

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I’ve heard that neem oil shouldn’t be sprayed on newly transplanted plants. It sort of stunts the plants. But they bounce back after a while.

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How often were you watering it? Container figs need water every day in hot weather. They will wilt during the day and can be recovered by evening when it cools off. I’ve burned leaves with neem a long time ago and stopped using it, but they didn’t just drop from what I remember.

Mind you it won’t need water every day now, until after it starts growing again.


I traveled for 2 weeks and of course, no wAtering during that time period, and when I came back, all the container figs dropped leaves and then after watering them, they all came back to life! They are really resilient!

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Thanks everyone, perhaps it did get drier than I realized. Will be more diligent rest of the summer!

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I was going to say, it got to be 100 here and my figs haven’t dropped leaves, but I’ve been watering in the morning.

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If the oil stuck onto the leaves into the next day then perhaps the leaves got fried from the sun.

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