Frost Tolerant Pawpaw Seedling

Yep, I remember very-very vaguely Cliff’s words about his. Maybe it needed complete FULL SHADE. Mine is seeing about 4-5 hours of morning sun with very little burn.

Time will only tell for both of us though.



My pawpaw seedling variegated also. Dax


cool! Looks same as mine. Keep it alive, Vincent, & congratulations! Hey hey!


Is that a random seedling or somehow related to Dax’s? I know it can’t be a child of Dax’s as his is too young…

CONGRATS! That’s so cool.

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Congrats Dax and Vincent on your interesting seedlings.

A few years from now I would love a cutting from each of you. :slight_smile:


@Vincent_8B **please “good luck” * brother, mine turned green an is fading, it’s gonna be done, my brotha, son.


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Mine is the same so far Dax.

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Mine reverted to green leaves at the tip leader and had variegated leaves below. It’s very slow. Now the two shoots that had leaves have died back. I cut the seedling to dormant buds below, yesterday. I’ll just have to see 1) if it lives & 2) if the variegation returns. I wish you success.

These reversions, etc. are pretty normal. I’ve had other variegated seedlings throughout my life and a lot of them revert or die. So, the trick is getting a “good one.”

best regards,


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I had 100 on beginning of the second Year
I brought them out the end of the last frost
or so I thought , and they all lived So it is common.

roots in pots where all froze
(I checked mulch pilled up Improperly on the city tree it was frozen)

There is a Scientific name for this phenomenon I have it someplace in my notes.
This is a adaption for tree’s that grow in Northern Countries (to make this Hormone)
(I may have read it in Smithonian BBC News or something Similar online)

Also VArigation IS a adaption passed in the genes
to prevent the tree from getting sun
like if the tree’s where growing in a water logged area
I read it is Something of a way for a plants survival not to get to much energy

Sorry for no reference
The link was on my other computer now gone,
and not saved it appears in my email
But note It was on a blog, and I didn’t see any scientific studies
just what someone pretty smart about plants seemed to explain.

Of coarse You could make one

**(name omitted took a bunch of pollen from a selection of the wild grape species Vitis cordifolia (Cliff seems to be one of this species’ champions) and irradiated it with X-rays, then used it to pollinate flowers of ‘Chardonel’, a hybrid white wine grape. Among the resulting seedlings was this variegated one, though it seems to be out-growing the variegation with time.

Maybe the mail X rayed the seeds , and they Mutated

I quote Barkslip

"Lucky P sent me seeds. I got a variegated one and then this surprise after a 29F/-2C I think night.

The seeds are a mix of cultivars and Corwin Davis improved seed that’s all a fly’s paradise :smile:

Let’s hope it’s a good fruit someday… let’s also hope the flowers are frost tolerant."

It is good mixing seeds from different places
Next paw paws I eat I plan to take 2 seeds out of each fruit,
and have a Mix bag for planting a patch in the woods.

I did this recently while separating seed
I could of just mixed up each fruit,
and sanitized all the seed taking a hour ,
but instead took 8 hours separating each fruit
Since there is something special about this patch someone send me from Southern IL.

!0 years ago I got seeds from this patch that I just got done cleaning this other day
, and they even sprouted in my fridge (back then)
this Year one seed was already growing in the fruit while I ATE IT no cold treatment,
(A round seed)
also the tree’s branched out first year, and Had them in full sun first year
(after starting in windowsill early a few months in February)
but the new smaller leaves would burn
(or new Branch forming) so i’d mist them 3 times a day

although I did have 2 year old tree’s from good types from another source
and after placing in fun sun 100 died
so I understand these swamp(ie ness) southern Il. (seed selections ).
that tends to flood now, and again every year is
worth my 8 hours and bagging each selection of seed from the fruits.

but next time maybe just only using a mix bag of 2 seeds of each fruit would be better
(as it took a while, and that could of saved me 6 or so hours,
of separating and cleaning seeds individually
and I had to get on a flight with no sleep.
(haha Taxi driver said Meter says 50 Bucks but I am going to charge “you” 100 bucks
and other bad stuff but I had fun.)

I think the Genes are very different within the species
it is worth spreading the biodiversity ,
and looking out for them even if it is only Unusual ,and doesn’t seem to have value
like who knows fruit may taste bad but without seeing the tree in the woods since they grow so tall maybe it has a hidden Beauty of it’s growth form,
or even as a rootstock or grows so quick

This is why I think even wild seed for grafting purpose may be good to let some (2 seeds of each fruit try to make it in your local wood, and see if your surprised in 10 years or first if it grows strangely.


Oh yours’ are also babies which survived the freezing
mine Had 2 years in a pot with little soil so it did freeze,
but Overlooked it mine were older though.

Not sure if this is the Hormone (or auxins or whatever it is, )
brassinosteroids protects roots from freezing
must be A mustard (family) chemical as it is the latin name of it,

They are. The best seedlings after crossing many cultivars and getting okay fruit were observed with good or great genetics, however, Susquehanna x Shenandoah seedlings report in at about 75% cultivar worthiness as a seedling. All other cultivar crosses came no where near close to the offspring of the (2) Sus x Shen. There may be better parents than known currently but at 75% “cultivar worthiness” of seedlings, that’s impressive to say the very least. This is after 20-years breeding of someone I know personally.

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Yeah reading some older News prints of people breeding
sometimes the offspring do not do well, it is only after back crossing those that do.

What I learned by curiosity in the past
reading up on genetic diseases (of Humans )
you could look up diseases is passed on by inheritance
Genetics is tricky some good traits are (and also disease) are only passed by the mother
Even in Humans
it could be a Cancer figuratively speaking passed on by the fathers side,
but the females children do not pass those problems on through their offspring
although some one can have bad genes but be Beautiful in other ways
they would not be if they did not have that trait