Fruit tree seedlings?

I’ve never eaten a black sapote but the Mameys I had that the seeds came from were great. Too big and meaty took me a few days to eat each one.


My pawpaw seedling I started this year.


I have a lot of sugar apple seedlings, a few of them bursting with growth, didn’t take a photo. I need to sell or give away some of them haha. Especially since I have seeds coming from Marcos (also just planted the #6 El Dorado Annona from him, but of course they haven’t sprouted yet). My sugarlata seeds got eaten by something I think, also my Abiu seeds didn’t sprout yet, but my Pacuri are all doing well. Kind of relieved my white sapote seeds rotted, I have far far far too many frost sensitive seedlings. I think 15+ Eugenia varieties and multiples of each. However they are all relatively cold hardy, I won’t expose many of them this winter but I planted a repanda and Suriname cherry to test how they do. Going to plant some of @a_Vivaldi cattle seedlings to see how they do since I think I have 7-8 of them


I’ve grown cannas from true seed. They’re BB sized and extremely hard. Lore says that in central Asian wars of the 1800s they were used in place of pellets and fired from weapons with some success. They’re so hard I’d believe it.


Same stage of morus alba and nigra seedlings:

More detail:

Feel free to guess which is which.
I can say that all the other albas in another pot look the same as only one of these.


@Tana it looks like you hit the “Reply” button before the image finished processing.

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That’s because I’m either faster than my phone, or it is too slow…

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I have some 50+ seedlings of Ken’s red pollinated by Adam which will go and try their luck in our unfenced mostly walnut orchard.
I was surprised by how hairy the young plants are.

To the touch their appear hairier and coarser than my Jintao or possibly Oriental Red seedlings from grocery store fruit. (I have no expectations from these and was just curious , if they’d even sprout.


I’ve always had a problem with culling seedlings of any kind. So I mostly deal with surpluses by planting them in harsh conditions and excusing it to myself as an experiment. Now, I’m plagued with these mulberries and I have and inkling that they won’t mind neglect in any significant way.


I got a Fuyu Persimmon from the store and was surprised to find a single seed inside it. It’s slightly concave while the wild American persimmons I’ve saved seeds from have bulged slightly at the center. Is that normal? And has anyone grown out a Fuyu-ish seed and know how true to type they tend to be?


Been a rough 2 months for my jaboticaba seedlings. Tips were dying/turning black, which looked to me like they were drying out. Turns out they were overwatered! So I kept watering my already overwatered seeds. Luckily they don’t give up, and I eventually figured out the issue. They are still in various stages of recovery, but all on the right track. I have 4 pairs.


My best looking sugar apple seedling bursting with growth after being up-potted

Black sapote beside it on its heels


So jealous!!! How long did it take you to get to that size? mine is still clinging on to its seed coat.

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That one is about 9 months old I guess, the black sapote is about a month old in contrast

Thanks! Wow, that’s a big difference. Did you have it in the shade or something? Heard Sugar Apple can fruit the first year if conditions are right.

Yeah all my seedlings stay shaded most of the day. Oh I can’t imagine they could fruit in a year under any circumstances, but perhaps in the most ideal of conditions.

I meant to respond to this before to say I’m stumped, maybe I’m missing the distinguishing features. What are your thoughts on these alleged nigra seedlings from Sheffield’s? I potted up a bunch of them yesterday:

They definitely don’t look like mature nigra leaves, but neither did your photos above.


I separated one of the other community pots that was in need of it: the ice cream beans. I put the two most vigorous seedlings in treepots to keep in the greenhouse next winter, but the rest went into a trench where I expect they’ll die next winter, but I’m curious to see how far they make it.


This is where hope comes in, lol.

But check out this video, he grew atemoya (hybrid of sugar apple/cherimoya) from seed to fruit in One year!!! I think he’s in a higher grow zone, though… but with grow lights, who knows what is possible for people with winters

All of mine came back from the ground that I planted. None of great size still tho, just a few inches so they may never get established enough to really thrive