Fruit tree seedlings?

Unsure what these are. Probably smallflower pawpaw, possibly bigflower pawpaw, possibly soursop (smallflower was about to push roots when I planted it, so its the most likely).
Theres a chance its a eugenia, but never seen one pop out like that. The only other things it could be are Mistol (ziziphus mistol) or African Sherbet tree (dialium schlechteri). I was hoping it would push the seed out with it, but it didn’t. I always have everything organized and label, and then move everything.

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These are growing quite quickly


Apparently, when sown fresh, morus nigra seeds germinate without the need for cold stratification…
I took seeds from this premature and just underripe mulberry on June 18th and sown about 5 without even fermenting or anything.

Here’s the winner today:

We’ll see how it catches up with the best looking spring seedling which is already throwing side branches

I have a few others sown last autumn, that got stunted as the weather cooled temporarily at the end of May.


mamay sapote shed its seed case


Some eugenia zuccarini (Guapinhem-Acu) sprouting. Should open up there leaves soon.

Something from my “leftover seeds that didn’t rot but I didn’t know what they were” tray. Lots of things this can be, waiting for the seed to fall off to get a good look at it.


Are you sure it wasn’t mixed up with a black sapote? That looks exactly like my black sapote seedlings and doesn’t really resemble a mamey sapote to me.

My persimmon seedlings just coming up till how big they are now now.

105± alive right now.


The ones that couldn’t take being under water were thinned out.:woozy_face:

planned out from a mamey fruit!

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Seems like my “let’s sow these green seeds from a Meader blueberry into my perilla pot and see what happens” experiment was a success. Now, what? I suppose, unless the Winter will also be early, we should have a few frosts in November and freezes from December. Is that enough time for them to stand a chance and overwinter?


I have to agree that doesn’t look like a mamey, mamey leaves are like a loquat leaf.


Black sapote


Aren’t mamey seeds massive? I didn’t think they pushed their seeds out of the ground like an annona or black sapote. More like a cinnamon apple seed or a canna lily where the stalk just grows out of a big giant seed.


Yeah you can’t see them with that photo but they are like a oval avocado pit basically

A few community pots in need of potting up/separating:

Clockwise from the top: osage orange, ice cream bean, and (alleged) Morus nigra from Sheffield’s seed lot from India. Their Hungarian seed lot was actually alba so this might be, too.


To stir things up, could it also be indica?


Here’s my new white sapote fruit tree seedlling I just removed from a person’s back yard and will be planting it in my front yard today.


Could be! But if so it’ll still be diploid when I get it tested. Since nigra is the only docosaploid Morus species, that’s the way I test alleged black mulberry seedlings.


could be a mismatched label, I don’t remember eating or planting a small seed in there but it’s always possible given how my brain is, I’ll be happy with either honestly.

it has first leaves showing


I’d say that’s almost definitely black sapote. Here’s what they look like before the seed comes off (this is my most stubborn seedling this year):

Mine are not quite as far along as yours, but here’s what a couple of my other black sapote seedlings look like:

Did you also eat a black sapote? They look like this, in case maybe it was a fruit mix-up rather than seed mix-up:
(photo from googling, not mine, but it’s an accurate photo, albeit a larger than average fruit)


fruit mix-up! definitely. it was delicious, I’m happy enough to have it