Fruit Trees Arrive at HD

Richmond Va Home Depot got in pallets of fruit trees this morning. Full size 5 gallon Gala Apple for $54. Three gallon $34. Dwarf Pink Lady as well. Chatted with manager. They got 400 trees. Apples, cherries, peach, plum, crabapples, and figs. Also a pallet of Japanese Maple and River Birch.


Don’t you think the politicians are lying to us about the “rate of inflation”?!!

Be nice if Social Security checks rose as fast as retail prices!!


Not a particularly good price. No reason not to order from a real nursery.

In my Southern Rockies location, the Sam’s Club has blueberry bushes. Only they are Florida highbush varieties that have little chance at long term survival. No one thought to program the zipcode against USDA zone map.

Typical big-box mindlessness when it comes to nursery sales. Happens every year around here.


Just the harbinger of spring when garden centers get stocked. Although this week is the exception as the last week of January is usually the coldest week of winter here.


For those prices at least they should give you a variety matching the tag. I still always look at the HD trees, I’m always curious to see what varieties are on the tags to see what they think is the most popular.


I have yet to bite on HD trees. That said it’s nice to pick something local rather than hope for a good mail order.

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Well, they are ready to make Frankentrees out of if you bought the five gallon ones. Need a pickup trunk to get it home unless you prune it in the parking lot to get it in an SUV.


Everything… you can always tell when their lips are moving. But right now they’re setting their eyes on home gardens and coffee so things might start to get interesting.


If the grocery store sells the fruit, and a fire blight strike is 100% fatal to that cultivar, my local HD carries it.


They also lie about trying to steal elections. Thank goodness they failed

If you are in zone 9 or 10, it’s time the box store got the stock in. But, it’s too early in zone 6 and 7 for bare root plants in little pouches to be on the shelf. In 60 days they’ll be dead in most cases…either on the shelf or at your place.


A Tractor Supply store near me likes to put the bare root bagged trees in a galvanized livestock water trough sitting on the hot concrete in front of the store. They leaf out too early and sit in rainwater until they die or some unlucky person buys one. At least some of the better TS stores have a small plants sales area to the side so stuff isn’t basically in the parking lot.

Although my local Lowes has taken the parking lot area across from their garden center center and have truckload sales of nursery stock around Crepe Myrtle blooming time. Between the wind blowing stuff over and the hot lot, not an inviting area to buy plants.

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Call me crazy but I did go back this morning got myself a Pink Lady for $36 including tax. Those wide scaffolds were tempting especially after planting a bunch of whips in November.


Good luck! HD usually guarantees their trees if they die right? Looks like a very fair price- how tall would you say it is? Looks like you got a fair bit of scionwood to play with if you choose. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Last fall I bought in November their tub full of stuff at oneof their locations at about 88% off the sticker price. As of today, all are alive and I just may get an early jump grafting using some of them for multi-graft trees. :grin: (In 3 gallon pots, not bare-root in chips)

It was about 8.5 feet tall. I took the shorter leader off and I took 2 feet off the main leader. So I have plenty of scionwood to put on some rootstocks I have ordered. Careful peaking showed a healthy looking root system. I looked through all of them as they were off the pallets this morning. Red Delicious, Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, Pink Lady and Yellow Delicious. Bing Cherry, Kieffer Pear, Redhaven and Contender Peach. I didn’t check the Plums for variety.


I got my 3 Red haven peach trees from Kroger in 2017, $11.99. They were 3 ft tall when purchased. Easy to select scaffolds. The trunks are now 6 in in diameter, 8 ft tall and 15 ft wide. I got lucky


What did you get?

Mostly trees…mostly crab apples over 6 feet and branched nicely. They’ll be my 2024 additions to my "frankentree’ family. (Unless somebody comes and buys a crab apple at original price :grin: )

Dave Wilson trees at the blue box store