Fruit Trees Arrive at HD

Lowes in Richmond got in Monday their fruit trees from Simpson Nurseries in Smithville, TN.
Goldrush and Dosett Golden were the unusual ones.


I got a Jonathan and a Honeycrisp plus a couple of peaches from Tractor Supply last fall and they were over 6 ft and well branched out. $40. They were doubled-tagged so I’m hoping that’s what they are! I really wanted an Empire but will have to get that someplace else. The Honeycrisp is for my picky eater granddaughter although she likes Empire as well. My favorite peach was from a local grocery store, bought on a whim, and it’s a fantastic producer. I think it’s a Contender.

I tried to look up the Dave Wilson “Home Orchard” packaging in my previous picture but I couldn’t find anything. Interestingly there was no rootstock tags and the prices were very high for a tiny sleeve pot.

Anybody know if this is going to be standard for DWN trees now?

I used DWN’s where to buy retail feature. Despite DWN saying it had sold a winesap tree to a Georgia nursery, the reply from that nusery was they didn’t sell winesaps from DWN. No other mail order source for that variety was listed as in stock.