In case anyone is interested, Fruition Seeds will no longer be selling seeds. I first became aware of this company growing for seeds in Naples, NY when I was looking for more disease-resistant tomatoes 2 years ago. Fruition was collaborating with Cornell University. I got Bush Delicata squash seeds from them two years ago that are very productive and can keep longer into the winter months.
I had never heard of them before I saw your post. So they will still be in business just not selling seeds any longer, correct?
Yes, if you go to their website they have finally posted the new operating model they will be using now. I am old enough to suspect that their plans might not turn out to be successful for which I will be sorry. The owners are a younger couple with no children and the wife posted a lot of videos on the varieties they sell. She was very honest in mentioning also the negatives of the variety and not just the positives. I think they are somewhat a little naive about human nature and the realities of life. I think both husband and wife probably are from more affluent families? Fruition Seeds had excellent customer service in my experience which only lasted 3 years because I found them late. It sort of collaborated with Cornell University to produce disease resistant tomatoes and powdery mildew cucurbits.
I meant powdery mildew-resistant cucurbits;-)