Gardening Accoutrements, Accessories, and Hacks

Now that I’ve built a deck, a fenced in yard, and various walls and beds around our tiny lot, I have a lot more space to get creative with growing more things. As such, I’ve been on a ‘treat yo’ self’ spree and have grabbed a few things to take advantage of our new space.

The list includes prior clearance deals on nice looking pots for the figs/pomegranates, [basket hangers,] (, planter brackets for the deck railings, and planter box hardware to mount on the railing spindles.

I’m also waiting on our new 6 cubic foot Gorilla Cart.

I’m most excited for the railing mounted planter box hardware as it will provide privacy while increasing available space.

Related threads for reference-


Wind a miniature golf course through your fruit trees and never deal with grass and/or weeds again.