Now that I’ve built a deck, a fenced in yard, and various walls and beds around our tiny lot, I have a lot more space to get creative with growing more things. As such, I’ve been on a ‘treat yo’ self’ spree and have grabbed a few things to take advantage of our new space.
The list includes prior clearance deals on nice looking pots for the figs/pomegranates, [basket hangers,] ( ), planter brackets for the deck railings, and planter box hardware to mount on the railing spindles.
I’m also waiting on our new 6 cubic foot Gorilla Cart.
I’m most excited for the railing mounted planter box hardware as it will provide privacy while increasing available space.
Related threads for reference-
So we are living in an age where for some, space is a premium and a quarter acre lot is a giant city oasis. Let’s focus on that as our starting point for this thread.
An example of the extreme for my thoughts on the topic come to us from California - A giant, indoor vertical farm aims to bring jobs and fresh produce to Compton - CNN
I will start things off with sharing my vertical planter fabrication.
I occasionally have access to free pvc pipe at work, and this haul is 8" SDR35 (the thinner …
I’m in the market for a new garden cart/wheelbarrow, curious to hear what y’all like. My wheelbarrow is a small hand-me-down piece of junk that I have replaced everything but the “barrow” part.
So much stuff is plastic or cheap metal, it’s hard to know what is good!
I intend this thread to be a place to discuss good growing related scores for cheap (or free!)
Things such as an aluminum ladder might end up in the trash and it can be re-purposed in a myriad of ways. For mine, I’m thinking it will become a black painted trellis for some sort of vines. I have hops, grapes, squash and a few others as candidates but haven’t decided which will be the winners of this prime location if it happens.
Another recent find for me was an old bird cage, probably 4’x3’x2’ …
Wind a miniature golf course through your fruit trees and never deal with grass and/or weeds again.