Everything you read says you can’t grow apricots in Georgia due to our late frosts. That may be the case but I’ve disbanded the “you can’t grow that” theory in favor of trying and seeing. I ordered a multi-grafted DWN Apricot last year from Bob Wells nursery and it came with the following grafts:
Tomcot apricot
Katy apricot
Royal Rosa apricot
Blenheim apricot
Flavor delight aprium
I planted the tree where it gets wind protection and early morning light (it gets hit at 7AM). This tree may never fruit but I’m going to see for myself. It’s growing like MAD and I should have plenty of scion wood this fall. Here’s a picture of the tree:
Nice to meet a fellow Georgian with a dream to grow apricots!
I ordered a Jerseycot last fall, and planted an Ilona and a Tomcot this year. (And successfully grafted a scion of Zard on the Tomcot.) All of the trees are really taking off. I’ve heard Jerseycot is one of the most reliable varieties, even though I haven’t heard great things about the fruit itself. We’ll see, I guess.
You’ll have to keep us updated. Are you seeing significant differences in the growth habits of the different varieties on your tree?
The Tomcot. Katy, Blenheim and Royal Rosa are putting on the most growth. They are all about the same size. The aprium is coming along but it’s definitely not growing as quickly as the others.
Good for you! I, too, have grown a lot of things that aren’t supposed to grow here in Tennessee, including apricots and sweet cherries. I’ve got fruit off of both, but must admit most years I have lost my apricots to frost. But I have space and time so I figure why not leave these trees and once every few years when the planets line up just right (ha) I’ll enjoy fresh apricots and cherries. The funny thing is some people seem to just almost get angry at you for trying such things and are very harsh in telling you not to waste your time and that its not worth the effort and you should concentrate on things made for your area. Not sure why it seems to bother some people so much when folks like me and you try to push zones or growth things that for whatever reason aren’t well suited to our area. We know its a long shot and probably won’t work out most years, but its our money, time and space so I say go for it, and it sounds like you are! Keep us posted.
Yes, I have noticed that people seem angry about zone pushing or trying more difficult varieties. I must say I do not understand the source of their anger. But you are right, it happens.
I’m in far north Florida. Apricot has been very high up on my list. I will be watching to see how this goes. I’m zone 8B so I think it should be a great choice here…
I hear the same thing here in Maine. I have been told I can’t grow apricots, plums, cherries, pecans, pawpaw, persimmons, and figs and I have done alright with them. Some of them have not fruited yet but the trees have done alright for themselves. I tell people you can’t if you don’t try. All of my trees listed above were started from seeds so they are acclimated to the soil and weather here. I think of all my trees as long term experiments.
VSOP and @thecityman,
To me, zone pushing is an individualized endeavor. It is helpful if a person has some basic understanding of what he/she is getting to before zone-push. In addition to such understanding, a zone pusher should possess determination, persistance and the right attitude (i.e. seeing failure as a good learning experience).
Those who zone push without the above often look at their failures as a waste of time, energy and money. They wish someone had warned them.
Advice to people not to zone push usually is well-intended by those who have ”Been there. Done that (and had little or no success).”
I personally prefer being warned/told what lies ahead before I decide if it is worth it for me.
My multi grafted DWN apricot is growing like MAD! I’ve had some canker issues but it appears to be pushing through them. Thanks @scottfsmith for talking me out of chopping it down. We got 6 apricots this spring and if the late freezes hold off we should have a nice harvest each year. FWIW: Our blenheim was the only one to put on fruit this year.
No no, I would never in a million years have a problem with someone just trying to give me information and explain that the odds are against me if I zone push. That isn’t what VSOP and I are talking about. Several people have made very definitive statements saying “zone pushing is a terrible idea and a waste of time and money and in the long run won’t work.”. A couple people have been really condescending about it in saying it will end in failure and shouldn’t be done and show a lack of understanding and wisdom. Those are what we are talking about, when they tell us as if we don’t know better that its a dumb thing to do and a waste and won’t work. Some act like there is 0 chance and people are dumb for trying, but I know from experience tht is wrong. I already know the pitfalls and likelihood of success–I have some apricots that I know full well may only work out into fruit once every 5 years. But if I have the time, space, and money to buy such gambles its my prerogative. Again, I very much appreciate someone who just provides information about what to expect to help other make informed decisions. Its those who have decided zone pushing isn’t worth it for them and therefore is a bad idea for everyone that leave me a little less than grateful.
My apology to @Mickster for getting off the topic.
@thecityman, thanks for clarification. I hope you would agree with my assumption that a good way to zone push is to arm with knowledge, then, zone push at your heart’s content
yea…I sort of got off topic too, sorry! And yes, I absolutely agree with you that it is good to have information and know what to expect before a person tries to grow something not suited for your zone and I respect when people try to help inform others before they zone push. I know you’d only try to help people with information so they’d know what to expect, as would most people. But I’ve seen a few occasions where someone seemed to insult others just for trying to grow something outside their zone rating, thats what I found frustrating.
I think your guidance is a good addition to the thread, when I planted my apricot I expected the worst. The trees grow amazingly well here and flower like crazy. the late frosts, squirrels and canker are the only downsides I’ve seen so far.
Hey Yall, i am mostly a lurker here but am glad to see some interest in apricots here here in Georgia. Currently dont have any trees but i did experiment with some pits from store bought apricot fruit. Tree lasted about 15-16 years before i finally cut it down, almost a foot in diameter at bottom…very little fruit produced. However with a named variety just might be possible in a proper site. I do get crops from Japanese plums most years. Was thinking Montrose due to high chill requirement may delay bloom time a bit, and Pixiecot dwarf…easier to protect trees from frost. Any more thoughts or opinions on varieties to try?? Thanks!
Definitely Hoyt Montrose if you want a delayed bloom. Its on the small side but other than that its about as good as it gets. I just grafted over a large non-producing tree to that variety this spring and I’m looking forward to lots of cots from it in the future.