Giant Chestnuts

Castanea, io produco busc de bedizac nel sud dell Italia ma sono alla ricerca di nuove varietà interessanti da provare, che siano di buona pezzatura, e valide da incrementare, che mi consigli ?

In Southern Italy you should try Gillet, Szego, Torakuri, Ecker 2, and
“South Tyrolean Yellow” also known as “Sudtiroler Gelben”.

Castanea, gillet e szego l ho innestate quest anno invece per le altre varietà che mi hai consigliato cosa mi sai dire più nel dettaglio ?

I am not sure what yoiu are asking. I discussed Szego and Gillet above.

Intendevo Torakuri e Ecker 2

Torakuri is a sativa/crenata hybrid. It does produce pollen. Torakuri nuts drop very late - the last week of October in California. The nuts are very large and peel easily. The flavor of the nuts is excellent, better than any sativa/crenata hybrid I know of. About 5% of the nuts have double embryos. About 5% of the nuts have split shells.

Torakuri nuts - 44 grams, 42 grams, 42 grams and 40 grams

When the nuts are older the color fades and stripes appear-

Torakuri flowers-

Ecker 2 is sativa/mollissima. The tree has some blight resistance and some resistance to root rot. The tree is very productive. The nuts are medium to large sized. I have not tasted them but they are supposed to have good flavor, more like a Chinese nut than a sativa nut.

Ecker 2 grafted tree-

Ecker 2 nuts-
Ecker 2 chestnut

Ecker 2 nuts showing a larger nut-


Torakuri sembra essere molto interessante, dove potrei comprare marze( materiale da innesto )?

I do not know. Some people in Europe do have it. This Italian nursery might have it in a few years:

Si conosco Guido Bassi ma non ha Torakuri, in Italia non penso ci sia questa varietà, ha qualche contatto americano?

I thought he had it.

I know there are some people in Europe who do have it but I cannot think of any nurseries that do.

Does anybody know what varieties of grafted chestnut Forrest Keeling sells and what their price range is… I don’t see anything chestnut related on their website.

They sell mostly varieties that are grown by Michigan growers such as Colossal and other older European hybrids. They only sell a few Chinese trees and none of the best ones, except Qing, because most large Michigan growers don’t want to grow Chinese trees.

They are primarily a wholesaler, but occasionally sell small qualities as well.

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You can get them sent under a phyto, and it’s only 13 dollars. Not too expensive. This is from PEI though, as right now, we don’t have blight.

Castanea, are the Szego and Luvall’s Monster seedlings that are chinese pollinated showing better blight resistance and tree quality than the parents? Thank you

Both Szego and LM basically have 50% blight resistance.

The seedlings should have about 75% blight resistance which means they should have good resistance in areas with low or moderate blight pressure.

I have have not yet heard of seedlings of either one with a Chinese pollen parent get blight. Eventually some seedlings should get blight in areas with high blight pressure, but hopefully it will not kill them.

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Castanea, thank you so much. Iam planting a test plot of chestnuts to find the best poducing trees with good storage before planting a significant amount more for a full sized orchard. I currently have 50 Dunstans, 25 Jenny, 25 AU Homestead, 24 Gideon, 25 PQF1s (peach Qing cross) and some seedlings from very quality seeds from a local tree. I realize now that the Dunstans are not a superior trees as I planted them before doing several years of research. The other trees I believe are high quality. Iam looking for your opinion on a few more trees preferably seedlings that are good producers, and that keep well. Iam currently leaning towards Liu, Ace, and Luvall’s Monster, but have about 15 different cultivars to choose from. I have read lots of your information and also info from Greg Miller and Tom Whal. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and opinions. Thank you

What climate zone are you in?

6a thanks

Kohr, Gideon, sleeping giant and Qing ?

Seedlings of the following have the potential to produce some good trees:

Qing seednuts from any source, such as Michael Parks in MO, because many Qing seedlings will produce nuts with higher levels of sweetness.

Auburn Super seednuts from any source.

Seednuts from the Wildlife Company in Alabama IF they are selling them. They have the patented Buck trees from Auburn University.

Hong Kong seednuts from HARC.

Payne seednuts from HARC.

Sleeping Giant seednuts from HARC or Route 9 Coop or any other source.

Yixian Large seednuts from HARC if they’re selling them this year (they may not be).

YGF seednuts from HARC if they’re selling them this year.

Schlarbaum seednuts from Michael Parks in MO. Schlarbaum is similar to Szego and LM for blight resistance but maybe a little higher. Most of Michael Parks Schlarbaum nuts will probably have Qing as the pollen parent.

Kintzel nuts from Perfect Circle Farm in Vermont. Kintzel is the parent of Jenny.

Seedlings from Red Fern Farm in Iowa. They don’t ship, but they have some really good stuff.
They also sell scionwood from the cultivars listed below with their descriptions (Qingsu and Arbor Laedi are very vigorous) -
Arbor Laedi—Reliable, very heavy bearer of large/extra-large nuts, unique to Red Fern Farm
Asp—Precocious, reliable, heavy bearer of medium-sized nuts, unique to Red Fern Farm
Blondie—Luvalls Monster seedling, produces extra-large, attractive nuts of a light brown color.
Chateau Rouge—Seedling of Gideon, sibling of Iowa Golden, also had a normal nut crop in 2020 following a late frost that ruined the crop on other trees
Gideon—Large nuts, heavy bearing, excellent flavor
Iowa Golden—Seedling of Gideon, this tree had a normal crop of nuts in 2020 when most trees had no crop due to a late frost
Peach—Large nuts, regular bearing, doesn’t over-bear
Qing—Large nuts, dark colored and especially attractive, heavy bearing, exceptional flavor, exceptional storing, standard for comparison
Qingsu—Seedling of Qing X Auburn Super, Extremely heavy bearing, large-extra-large nuts.
Red Fern Super—Large, blocky nuts, heavy bearing. Unique to Red Fern Farm.
Shotgun—Large nuts when it doesn’t over-bear, heavy bearing, precocious
Sleeping Giant—Large nuts, heavy bearing, good flavor, C X J X A hybrid
Szego—Extra-large, attractive nuts, heavy bearing, some susceptibility to blight