Growing loquats in the Pacific Northwest

How much did it cost to get full access to the document?

Worth a shot! Especially being quick to remove all fruiting buds for group A, which emerge while group C would be ripening.

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For approximately 23 years, leading up to 2020, I lived exclusively in the Bay Area: Berkeley for a decade, Sonoma County for the remainder. I left SoCal for university back in 1997 and there was NO WAY I was moving back to the inland empire after graduation. Nowadays, I split my time between my house in the Willamette Valley of western Oregon and the Anderson Valley region of Northern California. I have a small bit of land about 30 miles from the coast in Mendo where I maintain a food forest and a VERY rustic cabin. Was an old hippie compound so the infrastructure is interesting to say the least. Between the two spots I grow nearly everything I grew in SoCal growing up, true guavas and bananas being the two major exceptions. I still haven’t tried the Cherimoya in Philo, but I am not optimistic. I’d love to do some plant trades/exchanges if you are interested. Just send me a direct message. Pax!

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I interpreted that as they were too small to be commercially viable, which isn’t to say they wouldn’t still be good for eating.

I would agree, but the fact that they didn’t even measure brix or acidity makes me suspect the fruit failed to develop at all really. But they really weren’t clear, so you are correct that either is possible.

Has anyone in the PNW seen this on your loquats? Some kind of little larva/caterpillar that moves in “inchworm” fashion, it killed two new leaves, apparently by tunneling in the central vein before the leaves unfurled.

It got squished. So far it’s the only one I’ve seen. Maybe @LarryGene has an ID?

When I was checking all the other trees for them, came across a guardian in this one. No one is gonna lay their eggs in this leaf!

Where is the tree in the International District?

611 8th Ave South

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Thank you!

I’ve never actually been. Do you live in Seattle? Someone sent me a couple seedlings from the Seattle tree and they are current growing happily in front of my property.

Shambala and Kanko have large fruits now.

Other varieties like golden orb and crfg1 have much smaller fruit and are quite a bit behind.


Are they developing at different speeds or were the smaller ones just from later flowers?

Also, have you noticed if ‘Shambala’ is living up to its reputation of being a repeat bloomer?

I have a different variety that has proven to be a repeat bloomer. Golden orb.
Shambala did not repeat bloom this year. But it is a super vigorous and productive variety. It has the most growth and largest fruit this season. Usually Kanko and Argelino are giant but this year Shambala is so far even bigger.


I am northeast of Seattle by 40 miles.

I’m happy with the growth rate of this seedling that I planted out in February 2021, looking like this:

Same seedling today:

It’s actually two seedlings that had fused roots in a shared starter pot, so basically a two-in-a-hole planting.


I was going to say it looked like 2 in the first picture. That looks great. My seedlings from OGW didn’t make it.

Do you plan to grow the seedling out or graft it at some point?

I may add a branch or two of something, but mostly just planning to grow it out.



Shambala — has really large fruit.

Bullock #1

Golden Orb