I’m having an issue with my peach tree. The tree is starting to turn red and holes are developing. Any idea what this is and how to treat? This is a triple peach which has a semi dwarf rootstock.
I hear people talk about soil testing. Any idea how to get this done?
once your tree has leafed out. Spraying no longer does anything. Just best to take good care off the tree. give it water and a little fertilizer. (don’t overfertilize)
If not (or if you’re willing to ditch the fruit this season), spray it with Chlorothalonil (Daconil brand). If you’re using a sticker spreader I’d go with one every two weeks for three sprays. If you don’t have a sticker or it’s raining a lot, go with weekly sprays for three or four weeks.
My problem was a bit more purple than yours, but I brought the trees back from the brink. Growing like weeds this year. Peaches don’t love fungus…
Then spend the summer reading here to build your spray plan for next year. There’s a lot, but the more proactive you are, the less spraying you have to do (while still getting great results).
Warning Chlorothalonil is not allowed for use with peaches on the tree.
I’m agreeing with mamuang, right now,that it may not be Peach Leaf Curl.
It doesn’t have a lot of the twisted distortion,that PLC produces, although there is some of the colors.
Holes also,haven’t occurred,when my trees were infected.
Also,how much of the foliage, looks like that?
By the way, Daniel, welcome to the group.
I’m in California zone 9a. Here is a picture of the full tree. I’m noticing the leaves starting to turn red. I did just add fertilizer a week ago with Miracle grow shake and feed for fruit trees. I did t look into detail if this issue was already present prior to feeding. Anyhow here is the full tree. I tried to pick off the affected leaves prior to this pic.
How old is the tree? (how long has it been in ground?)
What’s the weather has been like?
Has your tree suffered a drought or any water deficit recently?
I’m not exactly sure of the age. I bought it from a nursery end of last year and planted I around the same time. Probably been in my yard for 8.5 months or so. Weather is great and the tree has dedicated irrigation.
3 of my 10 peach trees are also doing this exact same thing. I’m not sure what it is. Im in northern arizona and never had this problem before. Looking at Google pics it’s a form of peach leaf curl but I’m skeptical. I’ll definitely be watching this thread for info. Thanks everyone.
That is most likely coryneum blight. It is a shot-hole disease common in the west. It has many different appearances but sometimes it can look like the picture. It is treated similar to other leaf shot hole diseases.
I could go with coryneum blight diagnosis. But I believe it generally also affects the fruit. It is common out west. Is your fruit affected?
Also copper will give leaves shot hole and cause some leaf drop. Daniel, I realize it’s been a couple months since you sprayed copper, so I wouldn’t necessarily expect the symptoms to show up now. Generally it’s pretty immediate.
The other option is nutritional. California has some pretty alkaline soil, which isn’t optimum for peaches. Alkaline soil can cause nutrient deficiencies and nutrient toxicities in peaches. Your fertilizer should help. Use your miracle grow according to label. I’m not sure how much nitrogen miracle grow contains, but your leaves could be suffering from a lack of N.
I don’t see much growth and your leaves are small, which can both be symptoms of N deficiency. Additionally, lack of N can cause leaves to turn red and have necrotic spots, which yours have.
For soil testing and leaf analysis, I’ve used A&L labs. Very reasonable cost and thorough testing.
However, you might try contacting UC Davis since you are in CA. As you know UC Davis is a premier ag school. California grows the vast majority of plant based foods consumed in the U.S. I think the school offers good support for growers in CA.
I agree with Scott’s diagnosis.
It is a attack of cribado o perdigonada (it is the common name of the disease in Spain), in the United States you commonly call this disease “shot-hole”.
The causative fungus receives several names, all being synonymous with the same causative agent: