Herb of the Year 2023 (Ginger)

They ought to make a cologne that smells like french tarragon!


It does smell very nice but I barely use it. I’m trying to incorporate more of this herb to some of the dishes that I’m going to prepare.

Are you sure that you are not really growing Cilantro?

You did thanks alot. I unfortunately lost them to being in an area that was to wet for them.

No. I don’t think cilantro can overwinter here. Although I have never tried to. I think cilantro is annual

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Green Goddess dressing is the best way to get started with Tarragon.
I to don’t know where to go with it from here but given that my French tarragon survived for the first time and is spreading I will have more chance to use it this year.


Maybe it’s a climate thing, we have grown parsley for over 2 decades, and it always smells great. Yet where we have grown it either it’s an annual, or it’s way warmer in the winter than where you live.

I think parsley is biannual, at least the one I have behaved this way

with Cilantro the leaves, roots (coriander) and seeds are all used in cooking. So even if it doesn’t over winter there uses for all of it. Many cultivars are advertised as slow-bolting meaning they do not go to seed quickly. Just use no slow-bolting to guarantee seeds.

I don’t grow cilantro. It sales 4 bundles/$1,I really don’t see any needs to grow it myself

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I can’t grow cilantro either, but they are very cheap here too.

The problem is needing to the store every other day when I want to use it.

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If you plant Ginger be ready to contain its spread otherwise it will take over and you will have to chase it disturbing all others around it unless you want a Ginger jungle! Spreads quickly like raspberries
Kent, wa


I’m successful with turmeric, So far it’s not spreading, but I have very tough clay.

I freeze mine for Mexican dishes, I got the idea from Jacques Pepin.

Only use it for stir fries maybe 2-3 times yearly so I just buy mine!

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I wish my ginger spread as wide it can. Unfortunately my ginger is about the same size as it was planted at end of the season


What variety of Myoga ginger do you grow? It seems there are many ornamental varieties. Wondering what type is best for culinary use. I see that the shoots are used, rather than the tubers (corms?) What’s the harvest period and yield like?

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It’s a self seeding annual. So you’ll find it next year where you planted the prior year

I grow a generic variety with no variegation like the ornamental ones. The shoots emerge in May and are best if covered with a bucket to keep them pale. Then comes a large harvest of flower buds in August and September. That yield is substantial and what I look forward to. I get hundreds of flower buds from a couple patches. Reports show it’s hardy to zone 5b with mulch protection.