This is Highland pear. It’s going to need a couple years before it fruits. Then we will know more.
Scions from corvallis / description from trees of antiquity.
"Highland pear was selected from a progeny of 119 seedlings of a cross of Bartlett x Comice made in 1944 by Dr. George Oberle. The fruit is yellow with a slight russet and has an excellent texture. The flesh is smooth and rich with flavor. Trees are very hardy and productive. Harvest late into fall and ripen off the tree for great flavor enjoyed to early spring. The Highland pear tree name was selected following the tradition of naming pears after a location in New York. Cornell University’s Hudson Valley Lab is located in Highland, NY. " Highland Pear – Trees of Antiquity
The scions came from corvallis. It is one of my pears with comice genetics i’m trialing for Kansas. It might make a commercial variety here, but it is too early to know.

This is my Highland pear, purchased about 20 yrs ago from Raintree. Has fruited every year for past 15 years. Large fruit, thin skin and sweet buttery taste. Fruit ripens here in Oct and needs a few weeks of chilling. Storage lasts 2 months (at best) before core breakdown.
I’ve got it pruned in an umbrella shape for ease of picking (yet deer proof) but it wants to grow upward. It’s presently about 12+’ … reduced from its one-time height of 16+'.
Downside is that even with LimeSulfur spray it still gets scab. I’ve removed other scab-prone pears but have kept this one because of its large fruit size and smooth taste.
Any update this year on Highland?
Janet insisted that I buy one, so it’s arriving from ToA in a few months.
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Highland has been doing fine here but i have not fruited it yet. No fireblight yet here. I will make a point to check it this week.
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I got a Highland pair too, also from TOA.
I’m not sure how long it’ll take before we get fruit but it’s leafing out nicely.
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this person doesnt like their posts shared…but for sake of learning and more information… i will take the flags as they come.
I have a Highland as well - it has a great pedigree in Bartlett X Comice and is siblings with California, Cascade, Paragon, Canal, and Orcas
Unfortunately neither parent is known for being fireblight resistant but most high quality euro pears are not
This is raintree discussing highland
It shows no signs of fireblight … yet. I intend to plant it near our Placenta walnut so it can participate in the annual regime of copper manzate treatments, plus its own antibiotic spray during bud-swell & break.