How far along are your trees?

I wish I had that much room, and yeah I see what you mean about the grass :no_mouth:

You still have room here and there, you must have a lot there, very cool!
I hope one day to have that much room. Bummer is I would have to start from scratch!

sorry Bob, the second graft, i’ts only a bloom 'blindgraft

Here’s a pic of my 4 years old Flavor King Seedling Plant I hope…good fruit?




Apple 1



I’ve never heard this term and couldn’t find it online. Are you saying sorry because it won’t grow a branch? If so, that isn’t a problem, as I have the top graft to do that. I’m OK with any outcome from the 2nd one, though it would be nice to get a taste of the fruit.


Your Flavor King seedling looks like Flavor Grenade. Not saying it is just has same look. Massive fruit set and oblong fruit. Certainly doesn’t follow it’s maternal parent which has round fruit and sparse set.

Did I send you pluot seeds and if so is this from those seeds?

Not really- from the pic, it looks like there is room at the end of the pear row (left of apples, right of berries), but there are actually small 3 jujubes (2 bench grafts) planted there. I just put the potted plants right next to them so that I wouldn’t accidentally step on them.

Above the rocks on the left is actually the neighbor’s yard. So the only real space left is the playground. In a few years when the kids are done with it, I can reclaim it and put in a few more rows. Behind the playground is the kiwi trellis, but it is hard to see the young vines in the pic- they just reached the top last summer.

I may take this approach this year. In the past I’ve done one or the other, but given the good bloom this spring, I’m encouraged to try both.

Thanks all for the kind words.

Steve, in your shipment there were no FK ‘s Unfortunately 
these fruits I bought back in the local supermarket coming from Spain for seeds.
Yours, I received FS, Flavorella, most cot’n and Candy. Only the Candy’s succesfully growing
btw I’m so happy with them!


Nice pictures. Envious of your backyard space. My William’s Price has lot of fruit buds that are about to open anyday now. I noticed this year, many of the fruit are on the tips of most branches. Does your WP do that, too?

I grow strawberries (neglectfully) in a partial shade (get about 3-4 sun a day from 10 - 1 pm). They do very well. Have fruit all summer long. Don’t know the variety. I bought them from a street vendor years back.

Alcedo - re. your lovely dark pink apple blossoms, is it a red flesh apple? What variety, please?

My WP and Honey Crisp blossoms are pretty much white flowers and pale pink tint to them.


Yes it is a red flesh apple even deep inside the wood it’s red
variety : Baya Marisa

Very nice orchard. I also wish i had more space. I’m really packing a lot of trees into an average sized lot (for this area). My neighbor did remove a large maple that was shading an area of my yard heavily which now has full sun all day, so that does give me a few more options.

Anyone want to take a stab at this? Its been rainy lately… N deficiency?

I’ve got a huge amount of blooms on both of my bigger apple trees that i will need to thin heavily. I really hope my Krymsk 1 rootstocks put on enough growth to bud them yet this summer. (they maybe a foot tall).

Is this K1 plant? which leaves exhibit this lack young or old? It looks like Mn deficiency
is your pH basic?

Nope its a (plum or pluot) graft that is on a peach seedling. My well water is basic (hard) … but it has been getting plenty of rain water lately. Its a potted plant… I also have some potted Carmine Jewel cherries that are showing some issues… maybe try a liquid fert with micros???

Hot sunny humid afternoon here…

over here peach seedlings especially plants in pot are more susceptible to mirco defects than other rootstocks
btw I’ve never seen such round shaped leaves on plum or pluots…I’m guessing a Euro plum

The top is plum or pluot (label gone) and the bottom is carmine jewel…both in pots…both look to have the same deficiency …i think. Potted plants can be a pain. I usually just fertilize often and that seems to keep everything in check…

I may be wrong,but that sure looks like iron deficiency to me.It’s usually seen in Blueberries.What’s the pH of the soil and water? Brady

When start to thinning my FK seedling… now ?

Start now while you can still see them. Where there are leaves they soon get lost. A tree like that needs 90+% removed.

Looks like it’s going to be a good year for my little 3rd year Illinois Everbearing mulberry. 3 to 6 fruit at each node. Last year it was 1 fruit at each node.

Is Honey Babe the pinkest bunch from your “cut to use for pollinating” picture? That’s quite showy!