How far along are your trees?

Okay! I did a tour of my properties today. Here is a list of what has blossomed or is otherwise showing signs of possible fruiting this year (with a few recent photos sprinkled in):

-Illinois Everbearing mulberry
-Brunswick blueberry
-Lodi apple

-Burgundy blueberry
-Northblue blueberry
-Bluecrop blueberry

-Unknown blueberry from Mom
-Gingergold apple

-Climax blueberry
-Ocklochonee blueberry
-Northcountry blueberry
-Red raspberries
-Golden raspberries
-Black raspberries
-White Lady peach

-Baby Crawford peach

-Concord grape
-Lakemont grape
-Indian Free peach

-Harrow Sweet pear

-Pink Lady Maslin apple
-Goldrush apple

Hurray! Maybe I’ll get some fruit this year. Wish me luck!


Nice pictures Matt.They look good so far. Brady

where is the Indian Free from?

The Indian Free is on Lovell rootstock. It is from Sanhedrin Nursery of Calif (Dave Wilson Nursery mail-order affiliate). It was attacked by deer and severely damaged, but is trying to stage a come-back.

Tony you have a great yard and orchard. Really shows you know what you are doing!

Here is the result of the first ever rind graft I performed on my dad’s crappy apple tree. He’s 80 years old and very skeptical that grafting is even possible. The look on his face today when we looked at the grafts together was priceless. I think he thinks I’m some kind of wizard now. Haha. Hopefully in a year or two he will be eating something better than that mealy red delicious style apple currently growing on the tree. All told I did 19 grafts on those 2 trees and right now it looks like 15 of them took.



Congrats on the take. I love large under stock because they will take off like a rocket.


That is cool…i’ve always want to try one of those grafts…

Pawpaw suckers that Tony gave me this spring started to grow. Now I have to figure out how to shade them. Persimmon seedlings have live buds, but no leaves yet.

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They’re 2nd years suckers and not seedlings so they can handle the sun ok. The persimmom seedlings should leaf out in the next few weeks.


Orleans Reinette. 6 weeks in the ground. I so want to taste this apple!

Not really :smile:


Ha ha ha! You should have seen how big my eyes got before I scrolled to the bottom of your post. My shock turned to laughter.

Well it looks like the Polar Vortex did a number on my peaches…they are leafing out but no flower buds. No peaches for me this year :disappointed:

Apples, pears, plums and blueberries look good though.

I’m in Zone 5A but I’m in an area of Maine where Zone 4B, 5A, and 5B are literally separated by about 10 miles…looks like last winter was more 4B than in the recent past.

Sizing up quick here…apricots are quarter size… everything else is at petal fall (nectarines/peaches/pluots/plums)… Going to spray tonight.

My FK seedling leaf stems are reddish, is this some kind of characteristic of this variety?

Rabbit chomped my Carmine Jewel down to little stubs. I knew i should have fenced it. I have another one in a pot that i just replaced it with…got to have spares in my yard. Rabbits are terrible this year. About ran over 2 baby bunnies with the lawn mower… they squeaked when the wheel went over them (they weren’t hurt)…the kids terrorized them for awhile after i caught them and put them in a bucket… moved them out of my yard. If the neighbor dog found them he’d chew them up so probably best…not that i like rabbits (see above). Almost squirrel trapping season.

80F’s today and tomorrow…then very cool for early next week.

That Carmine Jewel may resprout from the roots, so don’t give up on it yet.

Part of my back yard orchard

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Nice Steve, is that clearing in the back of the picture the other part? I bet you have fun looking at all your trees. Your going to have lots of fruit! You must be busy all the time.