How far along are your trees?

Thanks, that clearing in the back isn’t mine. My property ends about where the power poles are, I live on just shy of an acre. I have 50+ trees in a 50’x100’ area at the back of my property (pictured) Then I have 20 or so more fruit trees scattered around the side and front yard. It really doesn’t seem all that time consuming, It’s just a few hours here and there, I find it fun and relaxing. Here is a different view,

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I had an Atomic Red Nectarine die over the winter… not sure what happened. I’ve been watching it…it flowered very weakly, then everything started crusting up…it tried pushing some new leaves, but they would just quit growing… Also had a grafted Satsuma that i did a year or 2 ago die…i checked out the roots afterwards and can see peach tree borer got that one…

My cherry plums (Sprite and Delight) are ahead of my other trees. Last year I was happy to get about 10 plums. Today I removed over 100 while thinning. They currently are almost to marble size.


It looks like I can finally taste some of newly planted tree/fruits.
Here is my planted 2013 robada apricot, total 17pcs fruits. I am satisfied with this amount for now.

Here is my Santa Rosa J.plum. Only handful fruit. planted 2011, first year fruiting. Can’t wait :yum:

Here is mt one and only honeyberry. It flowers every year but had never set fruit. This year, I got a bloom twig from friend and pollinated mine, here are the fruits.



Very nice Annie.Congratulations.I’m getting a few Santa Rosa for the first time this year too. Brady

Thanks Brady. How is your blueberry this year? Mine is getting smaller every year, probably will die before next winter :disappointed_relieved: . I thought was soil ph issue, last year and this spring, I spread soil acidifier but the leaf is still reddish. It is not a easy plant to grow for me. I just stop by Costco to get big box of blueberry .

Nice pics. What kind of strawberry? The pink flowers are unusual.

Most of the Blueberries are growing very well.I heard that a person can’t have too many,but I could be up to my neck in them by next year.Most of them are in pots.For me,they do better that way. Brady

This is my Southern collection on a rooftop-Mostly Southern Highbush and a few Rabbiteyes

Some Northern Highbush in containers


and Jersey-Two reliable varieties for me

Bountiful Blue-One that grows well in the ground

Impressive! I have Chippewa in the pot, for some reasons it has not leaf out yet this year. My in ground BB are blooming, not as many flowers as it used to be

Yes, the pink flower is not common, maybe a new variety. I picked it up at either HD or Lowes last year with no specific name on the tag. I thought it might not hardy enough to survive the winter in zone 5, but it did. and looks like it grows well too. I am not sure it has runner or not


II see that you have lots of blueberry in pots. How do you keep them in winter? Buried in mulch, soil, or inside a shelter like an unheated garage? I have 5 blueberry, 4 of them in ground and 1 in pot. Last winter, I scooped lots of shredded tree mulch to cover the pot and it survives. Am still looking for a better way (I meant least work) to keep the potted ones alive.


Hi, Tom. BradyBB has a lot of BB in pot. He is in WA, I think. I keep my potted BB in garage during the past winters. However, I might have to do what you are doing this coming winter. My garage is out of space and I have more than 40 potts tea plants this year that need place for this coming winter. I am seriously thinking about building a cold frame filled with leaves for those hardier potted plants.

Looking good congratulations!

Brady your blueberries look great! I had a hard time getting the soil right form mine to grow in the ground so I too grow mine in a planter. Theyare just taking off and will have a couple hundred berries.

Blueberries do seem to work well in pots. I think its the somewhat shallow root system…plus you can really keep a low pH in pots. I use pure peat moss and fertilizer often.

Another spray this evening. I don’t know if the PC around here wear winter jackets or are just immune to cold, but i swear i had some new damage (and its been in the 50Fs/40Fs). The pluots look great, cots look good, peaches are fine, nectarines are fine…plums have been thinned.


You have quite a bit of blueberry in pots and they look great. How do you keep them all green and productive?

I have 4 in-ground and 1 in pot. The one in pot get the same soil mix as those in-ground. Somehow, the potted one is the only one that put out red leave and no bloom. What have I missed?



Tom, My BB looks like that too. I also want to know how to fix it.

The plant definitely looks to be lacking something,kind of like when the soil is cold and the ability to process needed things isn’t there yet,but your temperature should be warm enough by now.What is the potting mix made of?I use about 60-70% Pine or Fir bark mulch(small nuggets) and 30-40% peat moss,plus some perlite,if I have it.The fertilizer used in the containers is water soluble and has micro nutrients,Jack’s Professional 21-7-7,I think it’s called.For the in ground ones,not on a fertigation drip,some granular,usually organic food is given. Brady

I used Dave Wilson’s recommendation:
1/3 Peat Moss
1/3 Pine Bark (med)
1/3 Potting Soil
few Tbsp Cotton Seed Meal and handful Soil Sulfur

This is the same mix that I put into the ground for in-ground bb. The result is not the same which puzzled me!


While reading a little on GW’s Container forum,I saw that a liquid or water soluble fertilizer with nutrients was recommeded,when growing in containers.The reason being,is that the organisms that reside in the ground,are not in a potted media and so more of a complete food will have to provided for them. Brady