How is everyone's fig cuttings and trees doing? Post pictures and age


Looking pretty good…

Last winter got down to about 0F, so it isn’t surprising that most of my figs died back to the ground. I gave up on trying to protect them 3-4 years ago and now I just take what I can get from them.

The one fig that has more than a bit of above ground growth is Bryant Dark.

I’ve got a few different ones planted out and here are two where a good chunk of it survived.

The 1st pic is even more impressive in that further along the same wall, there are Reservoir and MBVS figs which died to the ground (aside from maybe 1 small branch).

Those Bryant Dark plants have only been in place for a couple years and havn’t gotten productive in-ground yet, but it was very very good when in a pot. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I planted several of them.

Most of my figs look something like this RDB- A few leaves around the base.


florea goes wild. one year from a cutting

white Genoa coming through

one of the Chicago Hardy. it’s got some funky leaves.

the negronne

it’s not growing vigorously. just the few figs and a handful of leaves. lots of branch

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