How is your weather? (Part 2)

they have pears and apples in Siberia that also grow in those zones. its surprising they have enough time to ripen.

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I am getting concerned about my nectarines, Sat morning is looking particularly bad, current forecast for my location is anywhere from 0 to -15. In your experience, what temperature is detrimental for peach bud survival? @alan you too can chime in.

Weā€™ve had peaches every year since 2013ā€¦the buds have definitely survived a -15 to -20 eventā€¦I donā€™t keep records even though I should. I think that anything colder than -10 and things could start to get dicey. -20 or colder would be true test of their hardiness. It looks like it will be 36 hour cold event with temps rising about zero during the day. Spring events that dip below freezing are much worse for peach bud death IMO.


From cold to very chilly. The 9 day mistral blew the leaves from my lemon trees they look hideous!

I 100% agree on that spring cold stuff. The most damage iā€™ve witnessed to my trees was a cold stretch we had in late spring. I think these stonefruit lose their winter hardiness real quick.

12z Euro still brings the chill. Time to put away the shorts and sandals.


what do you think are the chances to get fruit on my contender in z4? its rated to z4.

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During 2020-21 winter here by Omaha, we had a low of something like -28F I think it was, that killed essentially all the flower buds on my Redhaven and Reliance peaches, and ā€˜Westbrookā€™ nectarine. @tonyOmahaz5 could tell you precisely what our low was. But Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve gotten plenty of peach after a winter with a -20 low. So at least for the few varieties I had then, somewhere between -20 and -28 or so, was the bud-killing point.


Coldest morning yet this winter at -7 degrees. Supposed to be a good deal warmer by the end of the week.


got a bunch of -20- -25 in the forecast in the 7 day. some days windchill getting to -50. lovely!


I had three reliance peaches kick the bucket after last winterā€™s -38 temps.

Iā€™ve got a handful of baby contenders now. Luckily they are small enough (4ft) that they are completely covered by snow. Hopefully the added protection will see them through to the spring.


Some cold snap!!! It never even got down to 0! This is another non-winter

-11F here this morning. Not fun. I hate this type of cold. -20Fs/-30F just north and east. Sunshine and south wind. 40F or better by the weekend.

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I saw Milwaukee was -2F. I think that is the 1st subzero at Mitchell Airport this year. Midway and Ohare always run warmer.

i burried mine and a asian pear with the snowblower. :wink:


i lost my Adirondack gold apricot and Northrop mulberry last winter. mulberry came back from the roots. had damage on the N.W side of my monty cherry and nelson blackberries but they bounced back. we saw a record for date -43f at Frenchvilleā€™s airport station. if it wasnt truly z3 hardy it got damaged or killed last winter.

I think that the chances are decent unless they get zapped this spring.

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About three weeks of quite chilly to go then its Spring. Fruit trees galore!

Freezing rain here. Having two rounds of it. Last night before midnight. Again, this afternoon. No power outage yet, but Iā€™m ready for spring. :cold_face:

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teens to twenties Fahrenheit the last few days and a little snow today. Iā€™m tired of winter this year, itā€™s been so cold so often

wind chill warning for thurs. night into fri. down to -60f windchill. ouch.