How is your weather? (Part 2)

Still not enough rain here to re-fill the rivers. That means flooding in sept.-oct. Always bad news. The waters running down the streets become forceful. I have seen the small cars bobbing on roads like apples in a tub!

its bad when its very dry for months then alot of rain at once. summer of 20ā€™ was like that here. no measurable rain from mid june till mid sept then 2in. of heavy rain in 1 day. washed out alot of roads and fields. pushed all the trees that were getting ready to go dormant to instead start to grow. even in the woods, trees that are hardy to our climate died even though we had a very mild winter.

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Clouded up this evening like it might rain or snow. 63 at the moment. But, no precip showing on radar for 100ā€™s of miles.


Went up to 80F today. You can really tell the shorter days are quickly coming. We lose an hour here of sunset in the month of Septemberā€“squeezing in a bike ride in the evening becomes more difficult.

Extended looks like we stay above normalā€¦low to mid 80fs and rain returns for weekend and overnights stay in the mid 60Fs. Summer isnā€™t giving up yet.

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Absolutely fabulous here in central IL for last three days. Lows of 50s at night to 60s to low 70s during the day. Humidity gone. House open with great breeze blowing through! Itā€™s going to warm up again but definitely the beginning of the end. It is sad that winter is around the corner.

It looks like summer is loosing its grip on the Pacific NW finally, but even though itā€™s switching to fall temperatures the fall rains are stubbornly holding off. Wonder if this will be record low rainfall for September.

Steve, that is exactly what happens here. Except for the highways we only have two lane country roads with no apron or sides. Just a ditch. Passing can be tricky. Because the roads have no sides, the water erodes the soil under the roads very quickly.

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42.3F last night, and the leaves have started changing. I thought this was the low for the season, but we had 41.7F on 9/2.


Chilly. But, should be good for the apples. Except maybe real late ones.

59 here at 10 a.m. but I still think no frost for 3 or more weeks hereā€¦perhaps even 5 to 6.

(This patternā€™ll make for a cold January if it persists.)

38F forecast for tonight, then the nights should be milder for a while. Better check on my tomatoes in the lower garden today and need to decide if I pick my 3 Ginger Golds.

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So you must get 40Fs every month of the year (or colder)?

I have been watching the car temp gauge in the morningā€¦ today it was 64F, yesterday it was 58F and the day before 53F. ā€¦ So a definite morning jump (same time every day). Rain coming in Friday thru Sunday (what else is newā€¦another rainy weekend).

Mosquitoes are really bad. I got swarmed picking raspberries.

Had a dream last night that my passion fruit vine had bloomed and set fruit. I canā€™t say iā€™ve ever dreamed about fruit.

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57 hear right now. windy as hell. finally, some dry, cooler air. supposed to get 36 tonight which means potentially a light frost if the wind lays down. leaves are about 1/4 changed so far. my favorite time of year. going to do some camping next week. have a bag of ginger golds i bought 3 days ago. labelling says they are out from your neck of the woods. are very good. planning to make a pie with them this weekend.

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we gets 40ā€™s often at night throughout the summer. folks that come up to camp here for the 1st time usually dont have enough warm clothes because they think they dont need it in july/ august.


Its the one time of the year where cold weather is welcome. Nothing better then camping when its 90F out and high humidity (yuck). I think we go camping next month. I prefer to go in the fall.


We usually get our last 40 degree night in May or June (this year it was mid-July) and they begin again in Sept or Oct. I desperately need to move trees out of the nursery and into the orchard, I hope we donā€™t have another rainy fall.


We had a high of 61.2 today and not a cloud in the sky, it was beautiful (and I was upstairs in the garage all day sanding and shallacā€™ing expansion gap trim for the new flooring. Couldnā€™t find the right trim for the flooring so I had to make it myself. I have 3 ginger golds on my tree and Iā€™m watching them daily hoping to pick soon, before the deer do. We usually go across the street to the cabin and have a campfire and adult beverages, but havenā€™t done so once this year. I canā€™t wait to get this flooring, painting and fresh trim finished up.


I keep wondering when Seattleā€™s well-known rainy season will start up again, but so far no sign of it. Just gloriously cool, sunny fall days for the foreseeable future!

Looks like tonight might be our first low below 50Ā° since spring, though a few nights ago my sensor measured 50.0Ā° exactly.

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GFS has snow in parts of the NE (NY/Vt/Maine) late next weekā€¦if? that even happens iā€™d imagine only high elevation areas would see anything frozen.


6B NWNC Weā€™ve been dipping below 50 nights for at least a week or so. Still hitting mid 70s in the day most days. The rain has been cooperative enough lately such that I never get wet and never worry whether I need to water anything I have in pots.

They mentioned frost in central areas of the state later next week. Should see our coldest temps yet this fall.