How to store cuttings

wrap them in saran wrap then put into a freezer ziplock. store in crisper drawer. thats what i do.


This isn’t a great question but do they need air or can I completely isolate them by doing the Saran Wrap, and putting them in a plastic bag. Will it hold for 4 months?

they only need protection from moisture loss. no air needed.


Have been discussed in detail here.


I packed my cuttings, I didn’t exactly hydrate them and the ends did look dry, but I wrapped the ends with Saran Wrap and put additional plastic bags around that, without any paper towels. Hopefully they don’t dry out.

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@steveb4 I packed them, I appreciate your help. :slight_smile:
The ends were dry but I expect that to be only the ends. Hopefully it holds until April.

It took some thinking but I finally tracked down this post (it’s a very good one).


Hmm maybe I’ll repackage the cuttings in a few days with the hydrating method, if I decide to leave that out, do the dried ends mean they are drying out or is that normal?

just to be clear i wrap the entire scion in saran wrap. if they are dry i will hydrate like mamuang stated 1st. if they are fresh and kept cool they may still be ok if wrapped well.

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I will hydrate them, but I was reading what @disc4tw attached, and it included the use of bleach, is this necessary, is it safe for the cuttings (since bleach is corrosive)?

i dont but i guess it cant hurt as long as its diluted with water.

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I really appreciate all your help :slight_smile: :grinning:

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You dilute 10:1 with water and a dip /thoroughly drying is a good practice. It can save a bag that has begun to look rough too, if you catch it fast enough.


Just to clarify, what you meant was if branches start to rot, I can save them in this way?

Yes that’s what I was implying. Obviously there are limits, but you might get lucky. Some species are more forgiving.

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Bleach diluted only for cleaning scion, used to kill anything like bacteria/fungus etc.

Use diluted Hydrogen Peroxide to rejevinate the scions after long storage, and they appear dry.


@disc4tw should I wash the cuttings in water after I dip in the diluted bleach?

I do. Just make sure it’s clean!

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I finished the process, I did a third completely without bleach, a third with bleach but I washed and a third without washing the bleach off.

Only thing not sure if this is a good sign… (the green)