Hybrid persimmon Dar Sofiyivky

Beautiful! We definitely need this variety in the US.


Amazing. Do you know of any suppliers besides Limbach (Persimmon Tree (Diospyros kaki) DAR SOPHIEVKI)? I’d love to add one to my garden in Germany.

I will be selling wood this winter.


Great! Should is message you later in the year? I’m not very experienced with grafting, but I’d like to give it a shot.

As far as I know, it is already available in the USA.

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Hello Harbin, wondering if you will or know anyone who will be able to ship scion wood of this cultivar to Canada with phytosanitary certificate… or can even point me in the right direction that would be great.

Ready for the market


I haven’t seen any reports of it being grown, but I could easily have missed it. Do you know of someone growing it?

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I know Cliff England has a few.


Interesting. He hadn’t heard of it when I emailed him last year, but maybe he acquired some since then.

Yes, it is new. He has not even grafted any into his orchard yet.

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Well heck… @KYnuttrees

Sometimes you gotta hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.



Hi Pavel,
Thanks for posting your pictures. I read about this variety but I could not find an article that describes its classification. Do you have to know the parentage of this hybrid?
Kent wa

Look at my posts in this thread from Oct. 21 and you’ll find the answers. Author published few articles on this cultivar in ukrainian that can be downloaded.
In my opinion this is the best that has been achieved in the field of hybridizing persimmon.

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Got it! Thanks very informative

I’m still wondering how Dar Sofiyivky compares to, let’s say a JT-02.

It is the first time I’ve seen a persimmon that I very much want to grow. Does not help that my nickname is “Dar”.


That would be great to hear such a comparison and hopefully someone here can chime in. But it seems like I don’t hear much about JT-02 from growers in Ukraine, etc. where the Goras and this cultivar and many others are developed. So we may need to wait for more direct comparisons until more growers here have all these varieties producing in one location.

Of course the simple solution is to just grow them all!


The main problem with JT-02 is that so far nobody on this forum has shown any photos of the fruits or the tree with fruits that he or she is growing. I’ve top worked few trees with JT-02 but so far there was no fruit set. Dar Sofiivky on the other hand has many aces in the sleeve that will be hard to beat: attractive look, excellent taste, earliness, good hardiness and 100% parthenocarpicity.


How long have you had the JT-02 grafts?

@SMC_zone6 or @KYnuttrees or @tonyOmahaz5 might have some pictures of the fruit.