I am finally doing it! (honor system Fruit stand)

Funniest post in a long time. And yea, if I walked in the farmers co-op here and said "I’d like to order some 'erbacide, they’d laugh me out the door! We use the “H” here too!


We’ll… it’s not the most comfort to receive agreement of someone from a state which can’t draw a straight line on their border of KY.

That said TN did produce Graceland. I’m going with Elvis on this one. I think he would have said herbicide with an H.


Gotta be Kentucky’s fault, can’t be ours :wink:


And I agree @marknmt, “pecans” are not pronounced the same as those things under kept under the bed so you don’t have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!!:joy:


Yes, but that doesn’t explain why there aren’t any straight roads in TN. :grin:


Well, I’ve never used one, but for those unfamiliar, “pee cans” sound like an interesting invention. Btw, we eat pecans (puh-khans) at Christmas here.


There’s a lot of honor system stands around here. Including a whole small grocery store that isn’t completely “honor” because they have cameras, but it is completely unstaffed. They sell meat, milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, and some processed items like jam and bread.

I was told it’s a form of security. If the $ sign were at the end, it would be easy to edit in extra numbers on a check, for instance, or the written tip at a restaurant. But because the number has a dollar sign on the left and a decimal point on the right, it’s hard to edit.

It doesn’t matter for cents because there are never more than two digits.


People from puh-khan country are often offended by the pee-can pronunciation…


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This is from a Pecan grower,who has been selling them since 1888.She is probably very old and knows something about them.


Hi there!

I like your explanation. Makes total sense. Marc

For what it’s worth, the Noo Yawkers who buddah their bread would probably say “hoibuhcide.” (Or at least they would have, back in the day, down on Toity Toid Street.)


It also drives me nuts when people talk to slow, stutter, use a lisp, write in all lower caps, use comma splices, pronounce herbicide without the H, or worst of all, use contractions. REAL MEN DON’T USE CONTRACTIONS!

She is perpetuating fake news.

I never could understand New Yorkers anyway. I’m from the Bible belt and always thought they were speaking in tongues.


If you make one more comment… I think I’m going to have to stop visiting this thread… you’re hilarious! :joy:


Just trying to be goofy. I don’t have to work very hard at it.


I’d at least get a heavier money box.
That way you are more likely to keep the money honest people leave behind.

I have a ton of fig cuttings this year so I decided it would be fun to try to sell them through the farmstand. They’re mostly brown turkey and a few low value cultivars like Conadria or Marylane though I did throw a few nice ones in there too. My town has a large Italian-American population and is also home to the Cornell Agriculture Station so I’m not sure how well this would work elsewhere. The cuttings are within a smaller (lunch box sized) cooler within that larger cooler. When I’ve checked after a cold night there’s been a little condensation but no ice within the plastic packs. So far I’ve sold probably 15 or so sets–I include a simple set of rooting instructions with each. Here’s how it looks today.

I let the 13 year old take care of the signage. She was emptying the cash box and helping to restock earlier this year but teenagers are easily distracted (as someone else posted about on one of their projects). The “lead free soil” is mentioned because our neighborhood was close to a shuttered foundry that was found to have contaminated the surrounding soil. We’re due to have the top foot of our soil removed and replaced next summer.


Also re: theft-- when I used an unlocked tackle box for the first couple days I had theft. When I upgraded to the metal suggestion box that stopped until one night someone tried to bash it open with a cinder block. They turned it around and knocked some change loose (which they didn’t pick up) but didn’t get the cash… I reinforced the box and no theft since. I did recently have people start leaving the cash within the cooler instead of the box–so at first I thought someone was using some long tweezers to fish the cash out. That turned out to not be the case but I was thinking if it were I would put some realistic looking fake cash in there to trip them up (though it would also catch the eye of someone passing by too).


Since the problem of a not-straight border also exists between Virginia and Tennessee (not just KY) I’m inclined to think it’s Tennessee’s fault. :slight_smile:


What an awesome idea! I would definitely stop at a stand like this to buy cuttings! :slight_smile:


The nerve!

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