Javid and Nikitski Almond from Englands. Grafting?

I had Javid. It was self fertile, but I was not impressed by it’s flavor - not bad, just nothing special.


Last spring, I planted Nikita’s Pride (AFAICT same as Nikitski) and Oracle from Raintree. They leafed out, but growth was severely stunted. This spring, all my other stonefruit trees are leafing out, except for these almonds that appear dry, shrunken, and dead.

For those that planted almond trees in east coast: how vigorous have almond tree growth with peach rootstock? Do almonds just typically randomly die in east coast?

I’m thinking maybe I just got unlucky.

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Contact them…

it would be best if you had pictures from the last year. I hope they have an answer for you cause I’ve been looking at this variety.

sometimes grafts fail, sometimes there’s disease, sometimes its climate (which I cannot determine from your account, i’m in zone 6b)

Do you by chance have Javid?


I planted several of the Ukrainian varieties after I made this post. So far they have grown slowly and one has died. These were bare root and I expect those issues. Soon as I can collect scion wood I will begin grafting peaches over so I can short cut the time.

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No I don’t have Javid.

I did buy a “NC10” seedling almond from burnt ridge and planted it 2 weeks ago. If it dies too, I’ll know that it’s probably not the nursery or my actions, but rather more likely almond’s intolerance to my environment. All (3 of) the almonds I planted so far are planted in a nice slope where other stonefruit like peach, plum, and apricot are thriving.

I think you may be a little off. Almonds biggest problems on the east coast is early flowering and brown rot. The Ukrainian ones flower with peaches, but still have to be sprayed for brown rot.


Good luck! My almond trees that died were on peach rootstock and had great root systems before planting. I thought it would have taken off like a peach tree but it was instead stunted. Tiny leaves came out and then it failed to further extend growth all summer.

I just bought a Javid, Perfect Circle is offering them in limited quantities for fall if any of you are looking, grafted.

Doug Campbell shoulda given more thought to his naming/numbering scheme…
NC-1(or is it NC-10?) the almond
NC-1 the pawpaw
NC-10 the persimmon
Plenty of opportunity for confusion

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Does anyone have any information on NC-1? Burnt Ridge is pushing seedlings of it. It’s claimed to be a good east coast almond.

I put one “NC10” almond seedling in ground this year. It was about a little more than pencil thick and about 3 feet tall. $21.50. It seems to be growing more vigorously than the Nikita / Oracle from Raintree (both died after 1 season).

I put in Prima and Bounty. Bounty died the next year and Prima is growing really slow. I’m going to put in peach seedling and let them jet up to five feet and graft almond to it then. Maybe this winter if we get anything to cut we can swap.


Two Javid’s arrived looking pretty great. Still waffling over where to plant.


Where did you find those?

@Robert Perfect Circle had them for fall shipping. I just double checked and the listing is sold out, but says they expect more for spring shipping.


Anyone have javid and Nikitski scions for sale? Interested in replacing my other’s that died over last winter. Thx! Might have some scions for trade as well.

England’s probably has scions; it’s in their 2023 list.

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Interesting I got mine around the same timeframe, no leaves and dormant. I already planted them in the ground.

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I bought a large and small Javid from PC this fall also and the large (size of buckeye’s) was leafed, small was not.


@Paul1 how did this turn out, almonds in zone 6b?

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