Jiro Persimmon in Vista CA

Today we picked up this DWN Jiro Persimmon from Green Thumb in San Marcos. I hope to plant it in a week or two.


Planted it today :slightly_smiling_face:


Budding out!


The little persimmon tree that could :slightly_smiling_face:


Your yard looks great, Jiro looking good.


That’s beautiful, My two are still half that size and i planted them Spring last year…

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Curious, why Jiro? Is it another persimmon to the garden? I planted 2 Fuyu and almost a Jiro. Beautiful tree you planted and I’m sure it will produce

Subscribed to this thread! Looking forward to future updates.

Jiro is sold as Fuyu. If you want true Fuyu you’ll have to get scionwood sourced from NCGR Davis.

Are you serious? Are you saying the two Fuyu persimmon trees I purchased are JIRO? If that’s true then all literature I’ve read online is a hoax. Everything I have read say Fuyu is most sold persimmon tree in the United States.

Fuyu is the most sold persimmon label in the U.S.

A century ago a Fuyu nursery cultivar of Japanese Persimmon was imported for orchards in California. It did not fair very well in portions of the CA climate. A decade or so later they switched to the Jiro nursery cultivar but did not change the name on labels – although it was pitched as Improved Fuyu. Nobody wanted to explain it to the public. I do see it labeled as “Fuyu/Jiro” at nurseries here.

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Since you are in Florida, you can get true Fuyu from Just fruits and exotics nursery.
Usually any Fuyu you purchase on the west coast is likely to be Jiro.

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Who is their supplier?

No idea. They also have some other rare ones like Rojo Brillante.

I can get “true Fuyu” from Exotica in Vista CA. They grow them from seed!

But if Just Fruits and Exotics has the true Fuyu, apparently they obtained a cutting years ago and have their own mother tree for chip bud grafts. It’s possible …

I was at exotic fruits a month ago to purchase four pear trees. Exotics has several orchards they gather bud stock from for grafting. I saw the citrus and pear orchard as well as their mix orchard but wasn’t looking for persimmon at the time.The sales rep did explain the orchards had been there for 40 plus years, don’t quote me on the time frame but it was a long time. Now that I know all this regarding persimmons a call to exotics is in order.

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Thanks for the insight!

Leaf buds have popped open :slight_smile:



With the warmest March we have had on record (in 75 years), all my persimmon trees way up North in Seattle have popped leaves already!