Jiro Persimmon in Vista CA

Thank you Ruben, but this thread is about Jiro Persimmon.


Yes. It has a little more spice and better texture. I believe sweetness is a matter of cultivation and ripeness.

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Lots of good persimmon information:



Hi Richard, I understand I was just trying to help by enhancing the knowledge about the different varieties, specially when people don’t know about them. I wish I had known a lot of the different varieties before I spent a lots of money that I end up replacing the plants, trees just because I didn’t know anything about them. Speaking of Jiro Persimmon does my persimmon tree is like yours or it’s different? Thanks Richard

Starting a new thread about Persimmon Information Sources would make it easier for everyone to find.

There’s a number of persimmon slueths on this site – start a new thread for ID My Persimmon and we’ll all help you.

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@Richard sorry for commented in your tread as I’m still somewhat new here at this site learning and finding the ways to navigate. Is still somewhat complicated and confused but there is one thing clear to see who’s willing to help others.



Our young Jiro persimmon has been getting lopsided with a load of fruit and a daily easterly breeze, so I lashed a pole to the central leader and then cross-tied the pole to 4 external stakes.


Today’s harvest :slight_smile:


2nd half of this year’s harvest


Now a young adult :slightly_smiling_face:


First ripe fruit of the season.


You mean “first over ripe fruit” :joy:. Why are you treating your Jiro like PCA persimmons?

You know, it was under-ripe before this weekend’s thunderstorms and as you see it today.

What is PCA?

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PCA= pollination constant astringent. Wow, I guess it is southern California heat.

Degree-day accumulation is very slow here in my near-coastal location. If I were to pick by color, they will be bland in comparison to locations away from coastal influence. So I prefer to wait until flavor develops. That one above though, it’s the ripest I’ve ever seen on a Jiro – most likely due to the cage surrounding the tree.


I actually prefer to eat Jiro at this stage. Much sweeter this way.

We are way behind you in the PNW. persimmons are just beginning to color up. Maybe mid Nov for them to be edible.


Beautiful cage, and beautiful color on your persimmon. Do you move it from tree to tree as needed?

I didn’t realize this was Jiro thread when I saw the picture. I care too much about texture to prefer that stage for a PCNA. But I also prefer green bananas to brown ones.

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I am also on team all-persimmons-are-best-as-puddingy-mush! And I like bananas on the softer side, too. And plums, come to think of it.

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My IKKJ planted in 2019 started 16 fruits set but dropped about half over the summer. Now the 8 remaining are just turning red but probably will get nipped by frost before fully red or ripe. So here we are at least a month behind your growing season. I tested a couple that fell off and there was no astringency even when green, so now it’s a wait to see if m6 squirrels will let me have any ripe ones
Kent, wa

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