Hi Pavel, my name is Bijayinee. I live in Villach, Austria, not very far from your place. I would like to know if you sell Jujube plant to Austria. I really would like to buy some.
Many thanks,
I’d like to buy a couple jujube trees. Do you sell to Ireland?
Üdv Pável!
Most fedeztem fel ezt a topikot, sajnálom, hogy mostanában nem élő. Csak magyarul tudok sajnos, remélem a böngésző (Chrome) lefordítja… Sopronban élek nem túl messze tőled. Gyűjtöm az információkat Jujuba ügyekben, nehéz dolog hasznos iformációkhoz jutni. Már van néhány jujubám, de még kicsik… Egy kissé különc vagyok és olyan növényeket gyűjtök, amelyeknek kevés a károsítója, így nem kell vegyszerezni, mint pl. jujuba, khaki szilva, mini kiwi, nagy méretű kökény… Fontosnak tartom még a fagyállóságot is. Szeretnék hozzájárulni a közös tudáshoz, ha eljutok arra a szintre. Vélhetőleg személyesen is felkeresem a kertedet vásárlás céljából. Ha jól látom ez a weboldal élő: Bambusarium Jujuba - čínské datle - Olyan jujubát keresek, amelyik a lehető legédesebb, mert az hiányzik a gyűjteményemből, pl. Sugar Cane, de úgy tudom ezek az amerikai fajták kevéssé fagyállók…? Sajnálatos, hogy a jujubának nálunk még nincs kultárája. Fiera delle Giuggiole ad Arquà Petrarca
Üdvözlettel: Sebestyén
One of the elite crimean jujubes is called Tsukerkovyi alias Konfetnyi (Candy-like). It is prolific, as can be seen…in fact it has more fruits than leaves (swear, I counted). I’ve only grafted it last year on top of the older stem. The canopy is compact, without any thorns. Fruits are medium sized, deliciously sweet, juicy and crunchy…I’ve yet to taste any better.
Will you have scions from these two varieties in spring?
Hello, Pavel. I live in Vienna, Austria and would like to buy a jujube tree or two from you. I tried to contact your email and phone number from your website but was unable to do so. Is your store still open and do you have trees in stock?
This little fella calls for attention…ants were busy this time.
His elder brothers inground are equally loaded. They are Kitaiski 2A and surprisingly are not chinese but came to us from Azerbaijan. High quality fruits up to 15g midseason ripening.
Hi Luis , nice to meet you , i am new to this webste = do not know how to use it i was looking at " pavels " jujube trees , when i understood you are from PT = were i am also living ,i am very interested in jujube is it possible to contact you ? here my emaill adress : novestefan59@gmail.com , looking forward , thank you very much , best , stefano
PM sent…
Man i would do the same thing
Hello Harbin Pavel, I’m Luke currently living in Vienna, Austria. My wife loves growing jujube trees but unable to find one nearby to buy. Is there anyway that I could buy a couple of grown jujube trees from you as my wife’s Christmas gifts? I’m desperate to get these trees for her Christmas this year. So please help! My email is IP_TELE@YAHOO.COM . Thank you so very much!
Hello Harbin, I found you via Google search. My name is Luke living in Vienna, Austria. I’m new on this site. My wife loves growing jujube and persimmons fruit trees but not knowing where to get them. So I decided to search and found you on this site. Could you please sell me some grown persimmons and jujube trees so that my wife can plant and grow faster to save time from planting small trees. I also wanna buy these fruit trees as my wife’s Christmas gifts this year. My email is IP_TELE@YAHOO.COM . Your promptly response would greatly be appreciated. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards,
Hello Luis, my name is Luke living in Vienna, Austria. I’m new on this site. My wife loves growing jujube and persimmons fruit trees but not knowing where to get them. So I decided to search and found you on this site. Could you please sell me some grown persimmons and jujube trees so that my wife can plant and grow faster to save time from planting small trees. I also wanna buy these fruit trees as my wife’s Christmas gifts this year. My email is IP_TELE@YAHOO.COM . Your promptly response would greatly be appreciated. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards,
PM sent
Got myself a treat today: first fruits of Halina. The size of Lang but much better tasting, very early and very fruitful.
It has a tiny torpedo like stone which is perfect for coring if you want to dry the fruit.
Hello, can you write your email?
Thank you
You can PM me.
Are all your jujube cracked badly with this rain.