Nice looking trees! Our local nursery sells trees from that grower… must… resist … visiting … must … resist
The Saturday Market is a terrible place. So many plants and trees everywhere. Some folks here intensively cultivate their yards. You could also start a whole garden from nothing with all the stuff you could buy in one place.
Various vegetables and jasmine flowers
Fig trees in a shopping cart for sale.
Various persimmons and plums
Various pears
you’re right. Sure says a lot about folks in PA
There are a lot of people here growing diverse fruit but not all of us Pennsylvanians have an exotic orchard or garden. My neighbors just cultivate shade trees that steal sunshine and make my jujubes sad.
I got the same email, but you beat me to the punch.
They also got several grafted trees into inventory:
Winter Delight Jujube (Photo)
Si Hong Jujube
Autumn Beauty Jujube
Honey Jar jujube
Sugar Cane Jujube
Winter Delight Jujube
I was tempted to get another SiHong, but I figured that it is much harder to get get trees on their own roots, so I stuck with those.
I passed over the GA-866, as it notorious for being shy to fruit. And I have enough trouble with the “easy” ones.
I got one each of:
Honey Jar
Sugar Cane
Winter Delight
I was trying to decide between Shanxi Li and Lang for a 4th and decided that Shanxi Li has already had enough chances to prove itself. I remember hearing that Lang was a good bearer in marginal areas, so I decided to add one, even though the fruit may be more for drying. I’ve planted Lang before, but circumstances have kept it from really having a chance (deer, selling the house it was at, 1 was dead on arrival, etc).
I’ll need to figure out where to put these. I’m leaning toward putting all of these at my house, so that I can more carefully look out for suckers to transplant. They definitely aren’t cheap- with shipping, it was $355 for 4 trees.
Also from the email:>
As you may know the benefits of a Jujube Tree on its own root system is that root suckering will not be an issue. The advantages of the Grafted Jujube Trees are that they have more vigorous growth, and easier to get started.
Please note, although we attempt to grow our cutting grown crop each year, they are very difficult to get started & take about 3 years to get up to grade due to the slow growth. Many of these varieties will sell out quickly. We will continue to work hard to grow more quality Jujubes for our customers.
I’m kinda bummed but I just got a Winter Delight. I just shelled out a lot of cash on containers and landscape fabric so I’ll look even more like a real nursery! . Also need a new greenhouse/storage cover. I have ~9 new jujube grafts that will go in the ground giving me new varieties. I have 9 new varieties of persimmon grafted that will be ready to plant and 4 new mulberry cultivars so… I think I should just not get tooo upset that I didn’t buy more of the own roots club varieties.
it really is a stingy bearer. From our experience, relatively more stingy than gi1183, sherwood, and porterville. Unlike hj, which is practically as productive(per unit branching) as a 6" tall bonsai as it is as a 6 ft tall tree, Sherwood btw will be more productive as it ages.
bigger-fruited jujus with dense pulp(sihong, sherwood, autumn beauty) tend to take their time before they reach their production peaks.
strong taproots of juveniles seem to be the deciding factor. And also have the same observation with regards to the runty growth of our hj rooted cutting.
Do I understand it correctly that jujubes on their own roots will not produce suckers?
If so, people who want to get jujube suckers would not benefit fron buying jujubes on their own roots, then.
Sour jujubes rootstocks sucker like crazy.
They may and probably will produce suckers but the suckers will be a clone of the variety hence very valuable
I think that statement is a bit confusing. I have a SiHong seedling on its on roots that I’m waiting to see what kind of fruit it has. This seedling has suckered and the sucker of that seedling has suckered. If that plant produces good fruit I will have three of them exactly the same. I really don’t think they mean that the variety on its own roots will not sucker. It may be less likely to but then it may sucker a lot. But I’m thinking that they mean that you won’t have a lot of Spinoza suckers coming up that you have to deal with. I may be wrong in that assumption. Maybe @BobVance, @jujubemulberry, or @livinginawe may have a better explanation. I do agree though that it is an unexplainable statement if taken at face value. Maybe JFAE think that they will not sucker at all.
as @clarkinks mentioned, the wild-type jujus sucker a lot, which is a good thing if you are a nursery trying to mass-produce jujubes needing rootstock to graft on(Mr R. Meyer did exactly that, because even he–did not have access to self-rooted jujus, or perhaps just limited experience at a later time before his demise…), but can be a hassle if you are a homeowner with a small yard who wouldn’t want to deal with recurrent thorny suckers that bear sour fruits. But this does not mean that domesticated jujus on their own roots will not produce suckers, it is just that there aren’t many of us who have desirable cultivars on their own roots, and the few who have them have only been watching them for just a few years…
speaking from experience, our large-fruited seed-grown juju(vegas booty) seems to be a producer of suckers, since it suckered at ~4 yrs of age.
i grew it from seed, so perhaps its juvenility plays a part, apart from its genetics.
the question that begs to be answered then is how a cultivar clone of unknown age would be inclined to sucker, and after having been subjected to rooting hormones/tissue-culture hormones. Important to note that v. booty is an absolute juvenile in jujube terms, whereas tissue-cultured cells or air-layered stems from an old cultivar clone, say, lang, even though may be artificially coaxed to root using plant hormones, but would its clonal age and/or exposure to hormones have any influence on its lifespan, its vigor/productivity, and its tendency to sucker growing exclusively on own roots and not benefiting from having been grafted to juvenile hardy rootstock? The good thing about jujus is that a thousand yr old clone may still have hundreds of years of lifespan(if it actually is susceptible to ageing when grown on own roots).
anyway, only time will tell… but kudos to JFAE and some members here, we should have some data trends sooner or later.
here in US of A
forgot to add, i asked Roger about self-rooted jujus many years ago and he had none to offer.
My rooted green wood Jujube cuttings are growing at a slow rate and not as vigorous as the grafted one on a larger rootstock. I still prefer the grafted trees over the rooted ones.
that’s what am afraid of @tonyOmahaz5 , but don’t give up on those, may just need a little more time/denser root system.
It looks like what OGW has done in most recent years is to sell Autumn Beauty as Winter Delight. If that’s what they’re still doing, that’s wonderful because Autumn Beauty is much better than Winter Delight. Winter Delight has a large fruit that doesn’t ripen until October or November in zone 9. If a WD fruit matures while it is still warm they can be pretty good but most are somewhat bland. Autumn Beauty matures in August, has large fruit also but with excellent flavor. It’s usually one of my first two jujubes to ripen fruit.
My jujube flower buds are opening but drying off without fruit set. It’s heavy with flowers now but no fruitlets so far . fruiting I guess is too much to ask from a tree that was just planted 2 months ago…
My Li set fruit the first year I planted it. Then the following year even though it was much bigger it had even less fruit. Even though jujus are precocious they need to pace themselves.