Keep or Cut Callery Pear Trees?

I have Callery pear trees all over my wooded area. I’ve cut like 7 in some over-grown area. But I get more. They are the size about 6"-7" diamater.

The trees are messy. Often infested by cedar rust. I get plenty wild red cedar trees too. They just keep growing bigger and bigger.

My wooded area is generally dominated by oak trees. Some elm and hickory too.


Top work them into Euro pears…


Just depends on what you want to do. If you want a large pear tree of your choice, then topwork it. If you want no pears or smaller pear trees then cut and spray.

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I have a “forest” of those 20’-30’ tall Callery pear trees. I do not want any of them. I’ll cut them all if I get the energy to do so.

If I want to graft anything, I can find all the seedlings. They are everywhere. More large trees will only produce more seedlings.

They are just weeds.

Remove the big ones and graft over the small ones.

Every year I dig up multiple dozens of Ash tree seedlings from my field, so I have similar issue but with Ash trees. I try to kill them while small with a tip of a spade or else once established, it’s tough job to uproot them.

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You can cut them down but the roots are 4-5 feet long. You almost have to dig them up with a backhoe. I get rid of mine almost immediately before they get large. They have outlawed selling these trees in my state. They are a invasive and taking over all the vacant land around me. Get rid of them ASAP!!!

You can just spray some Round-up. Most or all get killed.

Round Up did nothing to them but make them mad. It did not kill the roots enough. They came back up the following year. It may work IF you really drench the ground with Round Up. Where mine are is around my pond area. I cannot , or feel right, using that much Round Up to try and get rid of them. They are EVERYWHERE in our state.

Round-up works. I removed many trees. Here I cleared a 20’ buffer zone. To get sunlight.


Great job!!