Looking for Carmine Goumi

The large fruited Russian olive would also make an interesting cross, I’d think. The types sold as İğde in Turkey (and similar types from across the region) are very large fruited, with high sugar content snd minimal astringency. I’d think someone ( Michurin?) would have attempted such a cross, so maybe it’s tricky for some reason. I can imagine a fruit that combines the best features of all of these Elaeagnus,
. If it were 1” or more long, like the Russian olive cultivars, that’d be a big plus.

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Oh great!

The only negative I see is some regions of the US have complained the Autumn Olive tree becomes a nuisance, or takes over the yard. I do not know if that is any issue in my state though.

My personal feeling is the one taste I had of goumi, the only improvement needed is more of it, ability to grow in compact space a lot, and ability to have it in many climates.

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Yeah nothing beats ability to grow directly in the ground. I really wish any low income housing apartments owned by a Housing Authority would require removal of all or most lawn and allowing and teaching tenants how to grow fruit and vegetables. So much good in providing food, exercise outdoors, and learned experience.


Anyone have experience with Moniz/Monez goumi? How does it compare to pippi or carmine?

Tillamook is an amazing variety. Large and delicious. I rooted some cuttings on bottom heat and would have some to share in the fall if anyone is still looking :slight_smile:


I would love a rooted cutting!

Saying I have experience here is about like saying I have run a vacuum cleaner, but Moniz is actually the first goumi I tasted as a known cultivar. Cliff England has started the process of making it available here in the states, and they were ripe on the bush I saw while there a month ago. Rather large, for a goumi, and pleasantly sweet. I’d recommend. I’ve had another that was probably Carmine/Tillamook, as it was similarly large, but it was not labeled. They were not sampled close enough to the same timeframe to be more than a casual comparison, but they checked very similar boxes for my tastebuds in their respective times. I’ll hazard they taste fairly similar, but I have no spectrum outside of the two. I think Moniz was ending its season and the other was starting, so I think the Moniz I had were spot on peak ripeness, so I liked it a bit better on the juciness scale.
The bush was in a pot, and not really a full bush, but it was taller than I already, although Cliff felt it was going to be an average sized shrub. It was grafted onto a yellow autumn olive of some sort, but I do not know what influence that would have had.
Short answer – if you have the opportunity to add Moniz to your collection, I think you’ll be pleased with the flavour.


I am still looking and would give it a try.

I would really love to be added to your wait list. Ive been trying to find Tillamook for about 18 months with no luck. Im happy trade stuff, too.

Will do

I’m new to this site and think I didn’t directly reply to you previously, but would very much love to try Moniz! Thanks for sharing your experience with it :slight_smile:

@TNHunter how are your carmine goumi doing? Im going to try getting scions of carmine goumi this fall to graft on autumn olive seedlings next spring

@FoodforBeings_WV6b im also in WV from Petersburg. I would also be grateful to be on the list carmine is impossible to find in stock. I have stuff to trade for scions or rooted

@Fishinjunky … my 3 grafts of carmine to red gem and sweet scarlet… all took and have grown nicely. 2 of the 3 had a couple blossoms and set fruit. The last pic i showed of that nice big berry that was red but not quite ripe yet…

That was the last I saw of them… i am sure a bird beat me to them. Hopefully next spring a lot more carmine goumi berries and i get to taste some.

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I will have both Carmine and Pippi scionwood this winter


@JohannsGarden Hey I saw your store and wanted to get clones of your Pippi Goumi. I was wondering if you have larger plants available. Thank you!

I preordered the carmine also in September while it had them in stock and got the email today “due to crop failure we need to substitute the carmine off your order” etc
Switching to scions and hopefully I can get one to take and maybe try to root one

Just noticed that Burnt Ridge has Carmine Goumi scion wood… 5 bucks a foot.

I found them very easy to graft last spring.

Both goumi and cherry grafts just seemed to immediatly take and start growing.


Yeah I’m swapping the plant that’s out of stock with the scionwood and I’ll stick it onto my scarlet, especially after seeing your posts