Lucy apple series?

Anyone growing any of the Lucy apple series? Curious because where I work we got in some Lucy Glo and Lucy Gem apple trees bare-root. I read they are a cross of Honeycrisp and some red fleshed apple.

Just wondering how the yield and flavor is?

Glo has been my favorite grocery store variety for the last few years. Honeycrisp texture and berry flavor from the red-fleshed lineage, plus they’re beautiful. Great combination. I’ve got Glo, Gem and Rose in the ground as of last year and this year but no fruit yet.

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Has anybody eaten a Lucy Gem apple who can describe the experience?


I have not seen the gem fruit for sale yet at any local markets. The glow and rose are quite available here for one month.

The rose and glow both gave me a few apples last year. They were what I expected from the grocery store ones I tried. The glow are to die for. My foavorite apple by far I have ever tried. Berry, sweet, crisp.

The rose is a bit more mush’s for my taste. It definetly does not have the bold flavor of the glow. If the homegrown fruit doesn’t get better on my rose in the next 2 years it’s getting top worked into a glow. Right at the graft line . Won’t miss the rose. Pretty red mush balls.


I’m very encouraged by your experience. I have Glo and Rose too with my hopes on Glo. A top 5 eating apple, so arguably the best.


Its good, if you like the Lucy apple, to grow it yourself. The developers of the series in eastern WA will most likely never be able to provide the apple in quantities to the grocery chains. The delicate nature of the parentage makes it just unsuitable to most major growing areas in eastern WA.
If PVM lets it go though, it would perform great in good growing regions like Michigan, Minn, etc.

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The red flesh cross is Arlie’s Red Flesh.

They were in Sprouts, PCC, Whole Foods, metro market, red top stores, and the Alderwood Fred Meyer this year. For about 4 weeks. Then poof all gone.

I have 3 trees now. lol.
These really made an impression on me. :apple:

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A couple of years ago, I contacted the guy who released them. He stated 2 more are in the pipeline.


He would do great selling them all grafted to one tree. 3 in one red fleshed Lucy tree.

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Im prob going to add 2 more red fleshed apples to the LucyGlo i have. As it split into 3 branches about 4ft up the tree.
Not sure which ones yet. Prob a few SkillCult varieties. Wonder if i need to know what’s a good pollination time to pick certain varieties.

Any chance you have scions of Lucy Glo or anyone else here on the forum for that matter?

I tried unsuccessfully last year to buy one from Gurneys. I ordered again this year, so hope it arrives. I was all done planting apples at my age, but this forum convinced me—again! Always something bigger and better.

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So Spartan, where do you work? Are you selling them? You may find a bunch of forum members waiting in a line by the door in the morning.

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My Gurney’s order was silently cancelled and refunded. I ended up getting a Glo on G.11 or G.16 from OGW. Lots of fruiting spurs on the trunk. Only two scaffolds and about five feet tall, so I don’t think I can let it produce much yet even if it tries to.

I’m pretty sure both Lucys are still under patent, so nobody is selling scions yet.

It appeared that last year was the first year Gem was available to home growers. Looking forward to fruit reports. This year I bought one from Restoring Eden for $60 plus shipping only to see Burnt Ridge carrying them now for $33. Sigh. At that price hopefully it’s closer to Glo than Rose.

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If burnt Ridge is selling then for 33, you may want to ask how big the plants are before comparison.

I could be wrong but as far as I’m concerned, their 33$ trees are really small. The restoring eden sized trees were selling for just as much when i went there last year to pick up a few things.

Can you ping everyone next time they’re in stock :sweat_smile: