May Apple Tree

This one garnered some attention when it showed up in a 1755 nursery catalog in Virginia. I later found it called Yellow May in a North Carolina catalog. A small yellow apple ripening in late May and June.

The clip below is from Franklin Davis Nursery in Richmond VA 1904. Too far north for a true May harvest in that area.


Are Mayapples even edible


We are talking about apple trees.

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Sorry, I just love these understory plants that I answered to quickly.

are they ever!

now back to apples


Just saw this on the Georgia Video that Dannytoro1 linked to in the C & O Apple thread.
May Pippin. From 1868 Fruitland Nursery catalog Augusta GA. It is still available apparently.

When ripe only, plant is not edible. Native Americans used to eat them.

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neither are apple trees :wink:

May apples fruits are not only “edible” (a very low bar) but extremely delicious

welcome, btw. Dont mind my humor, just joshing

I considered Mayapple(funky foreigner non-malus) for here. Since most fun bushes like Nanking Cherry and most Ribes do not do well here. But…Goats. Plant and seeds not good for animals too eat.

I detect a small amount of naming problems around “Jim Kell Thin Skin”, Bill Thin Skin, Tender Thin Skin and Tenderskin…lol…I think sometimes maybe old time nurseries got stuff they wanted and possibly renamed them to not admit someone else bred the apple. I was astounded to find 4 “Red Junes” 2 round, 1 conical and the other oblate.

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Euell Gibbons used to eat pine trees. He also claimed to eat grape nuts cereal. He died young.

I dont know much about him as a person. Looks like he died at 64 of an aneurism. Ive tried pine cambium before. Edible is the proper adjective in that case. Grape nuts aren’t much better. Young basswood leaves arent bad

I’m a big Euell Gibbon forager type. Might be the Inuit in me. There are a lot of wild plants that will sustain human life planted around here.

Wagon Wheel Orchard lists May.

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Eh…The average male lifespan in 1975 was 68. Maybe you can chalk up his 4 year shorter life to working in boatbuilding and repair in WW2. When everyone thought eating a bowl of asbestos was a tasty, healthy craving…lol

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I hear its high in naturally occurring silicates!

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With Wismer Desert joining Disharoon, Williams Pride, Anna, Jefferis, Summer Row, Vered,Galacia, Holly and Blairmont; I should be well early appled. Those are all earlish I think. Oh and Kerry Irish Pippin too.I was going to say Park’s Pippin but that is more mid-season maybe.

A motley crew, but it is what should grow here; Wismer may or may not. Black Amish? Was that early?

I was going to plant Red Astrachan as an early red apple that was planted in my area in the 1800s. But I read it is very susceptible to Blister Canker in Virginia so that is out. Some others I was interested in are fire blight magnets.

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I will probably regret it; but I’m going to go blind faith on UK’s Alabaster and Bohemia’s Rose Apple. Both rare oddballs with a penchant for diseases.