If that was a orange beet, then it was Flame Badger. It’s a beautiful beet with a sweet taste.
And I want to talk about that variety in particular. Has anyone grown it? Both my father and I tried growing it this year, and it seems like everything else got to eat them but us.
I want to like beets, but they always taste like dirt to me. Even the pickled beets, taste like pickled dirt. Anybody got any suggestions? Would prefer not to have to totally cover with sugar and therefor negate the healthy side of beets. Any varieties that don’t taste like dirt?
Hmmmm…would think if my body needed and wanted them, I would crave the beets?? Never heard of a flowering beet. Then again, I’ve never fully studied beets. I have tried 2 or 3 varieties though (“standard” red, probably Detroit, one of those white and red ones…and seems like another variety I don’t remember) and the results were the same. I will try to look up the sweet variety that was mentioned above.
For what it’s worth, I don’t care for raw carrots either…I do like cooked carrots.
We got beet seeds planted when the peas went in. Must have been mid May. Peas are starting to get ripe too. A month of 90 degree highs combined with timely watering is making for a heck of a garden this year.
Less of that very rich beet flavor, more of a simpler sweetness. The same way yellow raspberries flavor has less of the traditional ‘raspberry’ flavor. It allows for different flavors to come through.
I think I like the yellow beets more than reds (it could be just the novelty of them for now), but I like beets generally.
I’ve heard a number of people say the same thing. Maybe it’s a taste bud issue/difference? I will agree that beets can be “earthy” tasting, but I don’t find that to be negative. Beets out of my soil taste differently than beets out of sandy, acidic soil.
Most beet recipes have you cook then peel the beets because it is easier to peel. When I peel my beets prior to cooking they do not have as much earthy flavor.
I would say that they are different enough in taste to be with trying. They don’t have the overwhelming richness some red beets have. I don’t taste dirt with beets though.