I tried to repot today. I had to have all 10, but at the end I counted only 9… I am very sure I lost it somehow while washing and separating from each other, but I can’t find it… Ok, nine plants, Morus Nigra seedlings, with very long roots, replanted from 8oz cup (I think) into separate 20oz cups:
I’ve read somewhere, if growing in a restrictive pot, at some point fruit trees will stop growing and start fruiting something like if you plant Antonovka apple tree in a pot, then it may stop growth and start fruiting; but if you plant in the field, it may take 20-30 years until it becomes “full-size” and starts fruiting. Let’s try
BTW I have Mulberry in a pot, 2-seasons-old seedling which I bought from nursery, which lost leaves with first frosts in October; it is in my basement, and it started flowering!!! Less than 1m in height seedling!
I was considering a similar plan but not sure if the benefits would be adequate. What quantity of berries do you get in a typical harvest from your Black Beauty? And how big a pot do you have it in?
I have two of Black Beauty, grafted on Morus Alba Tatarica, I bought it in Spring 2018 from https://www.whiffletreefarmandnursery.ca/ nursery in Ontario, and they grow outside in an almost purely sandy area; front-yard, and back-yard.
I am in Zone 6b (as per Canada’s government site); Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Winter temps can drop to below -35C for a few days; it happens each Winter.
“Black Beauty” at front-yard is in an open place, no fences, only rare cars and bungalows - absolute full sun area.
They woke up each Spring very late; one had few fruits which probably were stolen by squirrels. Last year I was even so worry that long branches with unopened branches will dry out entire trees that I trimmed it (in May); and I was right, it started good growth few weeks later.
The only issue I had: fungal infections, and so bad that trunk on both cracked at bottom, black inside, I used Copper fungicide few times and it stopped it; and I almost washed it in this fungicide before first frosts. And, BTW, farmers in Percia use copper fungicide too, their trees have the same diseases from time to time.
Both trees grew slow this year because of fungi; next year I’ll trim too many branches at bottom, to allow fresh airflow. Few branches started opening buds this Spring, then dried; although we have more than enough rain.
“Black Beauty” in Winter; it definitely needs clearance at the ground: trim all tiny branches to allow more airflow. Maybe even more drastic: leave single main “leader” branch only.