After years of no pluots fruits, things have changed this Spring in a big way!
All are now producing in a big way, crazy. Also a Tippy Abbe Fetel pear!
Which varieties?
Sorry Brady, don’t know anymore, it outgrew the tags. These trees are good size now. Haven’t seen any tags on them. Tony find the best one to grow. I might have written down in my worn out notebook. The biggest tree has maybe 4 or 5 varieties grafted and have been heavy pruned several times.
I am watching the squirrels and others. Don’t do any grafting anymore.
This is going to be a crazy year, even the PAWS are loaded, which is really bad, too many trees, loaded. Garbage pickup for sure. Nobody wants them here and it’s not my favorite fruit. Two a day is enough. No tags either on them.
I hope the fruit will be able to be tasted and it will probably be very good.
congrats! many of my trees will be producing for the 1st time for me as well.
You have such a green thumb!!
Once the fruit ripen, we need to bring @tonyOmahaz5 in to identify the varieties.
Bob, I think they were Flavor King, Flavor Supreme, and Flavor Queen. It has been a long time ago since I sent you those scions maybe 8 or 9 years ago?. I liked all three varieties but Flavor King was delicious. Flavor Supreme was very good but not productive unless you have a good pollinator. Flavor Queen was a sweety. @aap . I just grafted Green Gage Bavay and Dorcee because they are supposed to be as sweet as candy and I do have a sweet tooth.
Good to hear from you. Any pictures from your new paradise? Got your acreage filled up? Thanks BTW.
Inside the 6 feet deer fence, I got about 60 small grafted fruit trees in a high density growing trials. Lots of hybrid persimmons, new and old jujube varieties like Honey Jar, Orange beauty, Sugarcane, New improved larger fruit Honey Jar from China, New Icy Sugar jujube, and New Panzao pumpkin shaped fruit jujube also from China. I can wait to try their fruits in a few years. 20 Paw paw trees with lots of different varieties. Some nectarines like the flat fruit Honey Halo , Honey Blaze, and Honey Royale. 2 Saturn peach trees.Crest Haven peach tree, 4 sweet cherry trees. 4 Blueberry bushes, 4 blackberry bushes, 6 hardy Chinese chestnut seedlings, 10 apple trees on a dwarf rootstocks that including 2 of Clark crabapple, and the rest are very rare apple varieties that I got from Europe and not for a backyard gardener. 6 gooseberry bushes, 4 currant bushes for making jam, and 2 Wowza pie cherry trees from Gurney’s. 2 Kokuso Korean mulberry trees, multi grated apricot tree with 6 varieties, and 2 Girardi dwarf mulberry trees, and 10 varieties of Asian pear trees. There will be so much fruit in about 5 years from now I don’t know what to do with them all. Lol. @aap
Tony, I hope the “high density” planting will work out for you. After 10 + years, I had to removed many trees. Anything closer than 8 ft is very difficult to manage. I finally had to remove them.
I will be retired from work in about 4 years and planning to hang out in the orchard with a pruning shear on hand. Hopefully, I can keep them all small.
You are too young to retire.
I am 58 now and 62 is a good age to retire.
Many people need to work longer and retire around 65-67 years old.
You are ahead of the game
Tony, I retire at 62, August 2000, I am 85 now. Got to stop doing this crazy stuff.
About 80 heavy containers, mainly citrus and figs. 15 and 20 gls.
Tony, years are flying by fast, stay healthy.
Good job Bob. 80 and still working out hauling container fruits. I am following your footsteps all the way to 80. Btw, my wife thought I needed a small green house to start my garden vegetable early each February so she ordered me a Costco Green house. It will take about 2 days to put it to
How thoughtful to include the price tag in the photo. Only $20!
$19.99 to be exact!!. I would order 2 had my husband not giving me the correct price since he has already checked it out.
Glad to hear you’ve gotten started with some good varieties.
Icy Sugar seems to be a translation of Bing Tang (also translated as Rock Sugar). I talked about it in my Jujubes 2023 post. It’s very good- crisp, good flavor & sugar, though it does crack a bit more than average.
I’ll be interested to hear about the larger fruited Honey Jar and Panzao. I’ve grafted the 2nd, but haven’t fruited it yet to verify.
I have a large Kokuso (from Raintree) in my front yard. It produces tons of fairly bland fruit, which falls off easily. If you manage to let it hang long enough to get dark, it is mildly sweet. I’d recommend grafting over it to Oscar. Not as productive as Kokuso, but it makes plenty and they are great- as good as (if not better) than blackberries. IE is also pretty good. Girardi is better than Kokuso, but not as good as Oscar and IE, but it has the benefit of staying a reasonable size without chainsaw pruning.
I got the 3 new Jujube varieties scions from Sophia. I cleft grafted a3 buds of each variety so I have 3 grafted trees of each for guaranteed survival of super cold weather in my Z5. I will also buried the unions a foot below ground to protect them from the Polar Vortex of -33F to ensure resprout below ground level of the same cultivar. The last Polar Vortex of -33F killed 99% ok all my 10 plus years old jujubes. I will keep you posted on how they’re performing and taste here in the future. Sophia seems to get lots of new varieties from China.
Btw, the Kokuso variety that I got from Scott 10 years or so ago is real sweet and not bland. It looked like a huge worm so the bird left them alone for me and they went after the Girardi instead.