My little orchard

be nice Im just starting out. all these were planted last spring. peaches on back are elberta, range, Oh henry. plums up front are superior, methley and santa rosa. i purchase a Red haven peach that I need to decide were to put it. to the left are a couple apples Fuji and Gala and Granny smith out of view. Peach row is on 4’ center and 8’ from plums and 4 from fence. Apples are 7 feet from the others and 8’ from each other.
I had a lot of good growth last summer but also had some issue with what I was told was twig borer. I pruned them all way back and I hope not too far back this winter. Oh well they will grow back.

from the end apples nearest. Im sure I made mess of the apples when I pruned but im still learning. Went for open vase but have sinces learned that may not be the best for apples. What can I do at this point or should I?

grapes are waking up and the blackberries and raspberries too. Oh I love this time of year.



Very nice, Mike! You did a very nice job with your initial pruning, btw.

thanks patty! I wish a few started lower but its what I had to work with at the time. I am getting better and learning so much from here.
I read that you may soon be able to get a Dekopon in CA. That would be awesome.

Yes, the CCPP is wrapping up their cleaning process, and if their last tests are still negative, clean budwood will be available this fall. So, I may graft some up if the weather is still nice and warm. If not, I’ll wait to see what growers in California decide to graft and sell the Shiranui. Pretty cool.

Mike they look good to me. Keep in mind that it is your choice as to how you train the apples. I don’t use the open center method but many other do. No one size fits all. Take a look at some of Steven Hayes youtube videos and you will see several that look like open center. Good luck Bill

They look like they will develop into “cups of plenty” … good luck


Nice looking! I’m a tad envious of the well mulched open space you have to work. I was surprised to see them so leafed out in 6b zone, but only because other 6b areas are still waiting for spring to get going this year. What are your summer temps there?

As a relative newbie myself its always fun seeing other people get started. Based on the way you pruned and the use of mulch I suspect you at least had some knowledge and experience before you started. Either way, it looks like you’re off to a great start!

Thanks all for the kind words!
Bill thank you. Ive seen a few of his video. He does have some nice trees.

Mes- really hope they do well for us.

Muddy. Im in Bixby which Is the south suburb or Tulsa. We are really on the line of 6b and 7a. The peaches and Plums started leafing out about 2 weeks ago. Just a tad earlier than normal. Our weather is very interesting here. Summers are brutally hot and humid. 90’s+ for highs from June to early september. Winters we can have a week or 2 of sub freezing for daytime highs. Today is headed for 3 and just this past saturday morning we had frost. Our biggest challenge is with late freezes.

Cityman. thank you. Temperate fruits and new to me. Ive been gardening and growing citrus and tropicals for years but this is a new adventure for me. I am a firm believer in the Back to Eden gardening practice. I use wood mulch everywhere. The city has a free mulch center which is really nice to have access to.


Great looking orchard Mike! I hope you get lots of delicious fruit soon.
Spreading that mulch must have been a lot of work. I can appreciate that.

thanks Daniel. this is just about 1/4 of the area I mulched last year. In total I got about 10 pickup truck loads. I need to add more this year but i am not to excited about all the work involved.

well I added another tree. Western Pride Nectarine. I know there is a strong hatred for Big box store bought trees here but all the trees at my local lowes are 50% off right now and I have the room for it so if it sucks Oh well. I can tell it will be a nectarine because it did set some fruit at the store and they arent fuzzy at all.
Fruitnut if you read this do you remember we briefly talked about that variety on GW last spring. Ill let you know how it does here.
its the tree nearest and the other is a Redhaven(or should be).
Ive started taking over the veggie garden so looks like its time to move the veggie garden LOL.

another view looking south, pre planting of new trees.

jsut a cool shot of the open center I took.



@mksmth- your orchard is perfect! Great job. I am very interested in mulching my orchard as I get dizzy when I mow. Ha.

Keep posting the pics as the orchard develops and grows. Thanks!

@mksmth- you gave me great inspiration (and a backache!). Thanks! It is always great thing to see others ideas. Great job!


Chris, did you make an even fancier sign? I like the tole painted one in the photo, but I thought you had a more rustic one that I liked, too.

The less mowing, the better. Zero mowing is perfect.

Nice looking orchard Conway. I bet it roars like Hell there when the train goes thru huh? CSX line?

@MuddyMess_8a - It is the same sign. I had it mounted to a post pre-fence but now I just screwed directly to the fence.

@Appleseed70 - yes it is a CSX freight line but it’s not bad. When coming into town they are limited to 5mph. Usually only 6-8 cars + engine. Heads down to Camden approximately 9:30am, heads back to Mt. Holly at 330pm, M-F only.

It’s actually pretty cool. My kids love it. I can see the conductor watch the orchard every day. One of these days I imagine him stopping the train and hopping off to pick an :apple: or :pear: or :peach: or :cherries:.

mksmth, great job.

Since you mulched the entire area, the mulch will likely break down rather quickly. So you’ll need to buy some more “pickup truck” load of mulch from time to time… But this helps the soil…

Conway…be sure to educate your kids (assuming they’re young) on the hazards of trains. Kids for whatever reason are drawn to trains and tracks and it’s too common for them to get struck and killed.
CSX has educational tools available for children on the hazards of rail traffic. If you contact their corporate office in Jacksonville, FL via email or whatever, I’m certain they will send them to you free of charge. Coloring books and crayons, stickers, you know, that kinda stuff. They probably have educational videos too.
BTW…It wouldn’t be without precedent for them to stop the train for something like that especially on a non-main.