For a long time, I finally discovered that slowly strolling about your garden in the morning with a cup of joe is such a relaxed experience. Here’s my warm cup of joe…
Is that your back yard?! I need you to come down here to design and install something so gorgeous for me! Wow!
My eyes caught the jealousy glance from the gorgeous Desert Rose so I have to make another courtesy visit…
Thanks for the wonderful tour, presented with a delightful narrative.
My big question is . . . . Did you ever actually drink your cup of coffee, or did you get so taken up in the beauty of your garden that you forgot to drink it?
Tried it many times. Always ended up with some dirt in my cap . Because as soon as you start relaxing, you start seeing things that should be done yesterday, a week ago, some even last year, and it seems now is just about perfect time to do this… I just need to pull that weed… oops, it didn’t really want to go, so it threw some dirt in my cup… OK, now I can just do that task without the cup disturbing me
This lady tried to keep me for herself only. But I refused to let her linger me too much longer. I have a duty to finish my tour…
Tom, I had no idea you had such a stunning garden area. No, that’s too fancy to call a garden area, though I’m not sure what you call such a beautiful area! Breakfast patio? Whatever its called, you clearly have an extremely nice place. I like how you used the coffee as a fun way to show us around. THanks for the great tour!
@anon89542713, your post is soooo true! I wish I had a dollar for every time I thought I’d just take a relaxing stroll through my orchard and garden but soon found myself walking back to the house or barn to get my pruning sheers, hoe, shovel, spray, or whatever. Its almost impossible to enjoy a relaxing stroll like Tom just took, and I’m willing to bet that as perfect as his place looked and as determined as he was just to enjoy it with some coffee, he at least took mental notes of things he needed to do later, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t pull a weed or two with coffee in hand!?!?!?!?
After so many riot of colors, I find peace in my queen.
Please let me introduce you to my queen, Queen Lace…
Finally, I found comforts sharing my morning joe, though already and barely lukewarm at this point, with Buddha, a familiar figure that I grew up with…
Enjoy your Cup of Joe, everyone…
“…pull a weed or two with coffee in hand!”
It’s so true, Kevin! All gardener is equip with that instinct! Got to make your place a perfect place to enjoy!