My small fruit tree orchard

Another interesting reference about Nurun Burun:

"It’s very hard to find any information about the “Nurun Burun” variety, but apparently the Genetic Resources Institute in Azerbaijan makes reference to a sample collected from Digahoba village in Khachmaz province. There are a lot of orchards in this area.

An old German periodical makes a quick mention to a list of several varieties, including Narun Barun pear, growing in Dagestan and Armenia, and says that said listed varieties are delicious and still unknown in Europe. (Garten-Zeitung, year 1882) _

found this entry in The Book of Pears, by Joan Morgan:

“Narum Burum - USSR, Caucasus. Possibly cross between an Asian and Western pear. Shape of Western pear and reminiscent of an Asian pear in taste, with crisp juicy flesh, sweet to very sweet and intense musk flavor; coarse open texture; tough skin. Highly ornamental in blossom, like an Asian pear.

Fruit: size med. (71-88mm high x 56-75mm wide) Shape: mainly conical, Colour: light green becoming bright yellow with extensive diffuse orange-red flush” _"
Hybrids between Pear, Quince, and Apple : a:t5_366sf (

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