Passiflora Incarnata (maypop)
Charodiyna pear scion growing very well…
Some cold hardy avocados info…
“The black-skinned fruits of ‘Jade’ are larger than many of the cold hardy Mexican-subspecies varieties (we weighed one at 5.6 oz), with a good flesh-to-seed ratio, and an outstanding flavor. The taste has the rich, oily flavor of other Mexican varieties, and a creamy, mayonaise-like texture. The thin edible skin is pleasant-flavored, with little of the piney flavors some types have.”
!The original Aravaipa tree was found growing in the desert area of Aravaipa Canyon in Arizona, 100 miles southeast of Phoenix… temperatures in the mid-20s, occasionally dropping to 10°F. In the summer it would also typically face blistering days with temps to 120°F.
We found the Aravaipa tasty, its flesh is oily and pleasantly flavored, with a rich creamy texture. The 5 to 6 ounce pear-shaped fruit has smooth, thin green skin which is impossible to peel. Its anise-scented leaves reflect its Mexican heritage."
Aravaipa Avocado | Epicenter Nursery & Fruit (
What is a Duke Avocado? - YouTube
The Cold Hardy Duke Avocado - YouTube
Sacramento Vegetable Gardening: The Duke Rides Again (
Joey Avocado growing in South Florida (
Long South Gate
Gardening : Avocado cv. Long South Gate (
Here’s info about Linh (described here as the “mother tree”):
Thank you very much my friend!
I should add that Linh has very ornamental foliage, which you can see in the photos here:
Photos of avocado cultivar “Linh”
That’s a very beautifull variety, thank you for the info!