That’s Nadia, it is darker and apparently contains more anti-oxidants than it’s parents. Here’s info on the fruit and stone
42 to 48 mm, large to very large as compared to ‘Cherry Supreme’
cherry, small as compared to ‘Black Amber’ plum; weight 60 g.
Shape.—cordate. Shape of pistil end.—pointed.
Depth of stalk cavity.—very shallow.
Position of maximum diameter.—toward stalk end.
Depth of suture.—2 mm.
Cavity.—very shallow, 5 mm; diameter 10 mm shoulder to shoulder.
Color of skin.—dark red to purple 59A.
Thickness of skin.—medium.
Tendency to crack.—none.
Size of lenticels on skin.—very small.
Number of lenticels on skin.—very few. Color of juice.—red.
Color of flesh.—dark red 57B.
Texture of flesh.—melting.
Firmness.—firm to very firm.
Acidity.—very low.
Sweetness.—high to very high, 20-24° Brix.
Length of stalk.—medium, 2 cm.
Abcission layer between stalk and fruit.—present.
Thickness of stalk.—medium, 2 mm.
Stalk color.—Green 140B.
Adherence of stone to flesh.—semi-adherent.
Fruit keeping quality.—excellent, 7 to 10 days at room temperature.
Fruit shipping quality.—excellent.
Time of fruit maturity.—medium, eating ripe early January at Shepparton, Victoria, Australia (2005/2006 growing season).
First picking 5 January, last picking 10 January.
Size.—very small, length 1 cm, width 1 cm.
Shape in profile.—round to round-elliptical.
Shape in ventral view.—globular.
Shape in basal view.—round.
Position of maximum width.—at center
Size relative to fruit.—very small.
Color.—greyed yellow 162D.
Texture of lateral surfaces.—fine grained.
Margins of dorsal groove.—broken.
Sharpness of edges.—very weak.
Width of ventral zone.—medium.
Width of stalk end.—medium.