I was thinking of buying a Nadia cherryplum for my best friend, and a pollinator, too.
Fruitnut, if you discover a pluot pollinator for Nadia, let me know, please.
I was thinking of buying a Nadia cherryplum for my best friend, and a pollinator, too.
Fruitnut, if you discover a pluot pollinator for Nadia, let me know, please.
You could ask my bumblebees about that. I can’t keep up with them. But seriously any pluot or J plum that blooms at the same time would likely work. It’s blooming in the same time frame as most of the pluots. So I’d choose on the bases of eating quality. The one pluot I won’t choose is Flavor Supreme because the bees don’t visit it as much as the others.
likely that flowers of certain drupes are genetically/physically dependent on asian honeybees and so not geared towards attracting american bumblebees and european honeybees, since a good majority of stone fruits hail from asia and evolved with the bees there.
the usda continues to bar the introduction of asian bees(for legitimate reasons, of course), but i couldn’t help but surmise that the reason behind poor flower-set or fruit-set of certain stone fruits, as well as certain pomes and jujubes, can be blamed exclusively on its absence.
american bumblebees are too burly for the foreign flowers, destroying some of them. The european honeybees, on the other hand, are a bit too lazy to pollinate during cold weather, so blooming season may already be over when they start buzzing out of their hives…
Well you can count me in. I just bought a Nadia from Raintree nursery. I couldn’t wait to hear how they taste. I had to get one!
Yeah pretty amazing that there is not a single person on this forums that’s tasted as far as I can tell. This year we’ll finally get first hand reports. You’d thing there would be some tasting reports from some Aussies out there but I haven’t found one.
I have read about the taste and what is said is that it is the only cherry cross that tastes like it has cherry in it. That the plurries don’t really taste like cherry (and from what i gather they do not) and this one has a definite cherry flavor. It also has plum, but you can tell cherry is there. That is what I read. And again the East Malling institute wants it for further crosses, this is important as it is like Zaiger saying they are going to buy the rights to Nadia. The East Malling institute produces fruit, a real exception to acquire the rights to Nadia for breeding.
The only fruit from there I’m familiar with is the Autumn series of raspberries. I really wish they would release Valentina orange raspberry here, not to be confused with the other Valentina ground cover raspberry. They have developed around 20 raspberry cultivars.
Are we aloud to propagate Nadia for our own use from the tree we purchased? I would like turn my tree into a few more. Not to sell but to plant in my orchard.
I don’t think the patent allows you to do that. It doesn’t stop everyone from doing it though.
Unfortunately not. Plant patents prohibit asexual reproduction even for your own use. Once the patent expires you can propagate it all you want, though.
The Nadia looks about as good as it will in bloom. Blossoms are bigger than the typical pluot or J plum. Still closer to those than sweet cherry. The tree is very vigorous, plum like, not cherry like.
My cherry trees grow quite a bit. I have not seen any difference between them and plums. Although I have not had plums long. Here again is the parents and baby, Maybe to help get an idea of how to thin.
Drew is the darkest fruit a cherry as well?
The darkest fruit is, I assume, Nadia. My expectation is a heavy set. I’ll thin pretty heavily since the fruit is a lot bigger than a cherry. I probably often over thin. But I don’t want the first fruit to be subpar.
That fruit is beautiful!!! Brix?
That’s Nadia, it is darker and apparently contains more anti-oxidants than it’s parents. Here’s info on the fruit and stone
42 to 48 mm, large to very large as compared to ‘Cherry Supreme’
cherry, small as compared to ‘Black Amber’ plum; weight 60 g.
Shape.—cordate. Shape of pistil end.—pointed.
Depth of stalk cavity.—very shallow.
Position of maximum diameter.—toward stalk end.
Depth of suture.—2 mm.
Cavity.—very shallow, 5 mm; diameter 10 mm shoulder to shoulder.
Color of skin.—dark red to purple 59A.
Thickness of skin.—medium.
Tendency to crack.—none.
Size of lenticels on skin.—very small.
Number of lenticels on skin.—very few. Color of juice.—red.
Color of flesh.—dark red 57B.
Texture of flesh.—melting.
Firmness.—firm to very firm.
Acidity.—very low.
Sweetness.—high to very high, 20-24° Brix.
Length of stalk.—medium, 2 cm.
Abcission layer between stalk and fruit.—present.
Thickness of stalk.—medium, 2 mm.
Stalk color.—Green 140B.
Adherence of stone to flesh.—semi-adherent.
Fruit keeping quality.—excellent, 7 to 10 days at room temperature.
Fruit shipping quality.—excellent.
Time of fruit maturity.—medium, eating ripe early January at Shepparton, Victoria, Australia (2005/2006 growing season).
First picking 5 January, last picking 10 January.
Size.—very small, length 1 cm, width 1 cm.
Shape in profile.—round to round-elliptical.
Shape in ventral view.—globular.
Shape in basal view.—round.
Position of maximum width.—at center
Size relative to fruit.—very small.
Color.—greyed yellow 162D.
Texture of lateral surfaces.—fine grained.
Margins of dorsal groove.—broken.
Sharpness of edges.—very weak.
Width of ventral zone.—medium.
Width of stalk end.—medium.
Too much buzz…I had to order one. In fact I did last month. But Raintree won’t ship till mid to late Feb. If they do. I don’t know how it’ll fare in the warmth we have going here.
They didnt ship mine until mid March last year…and it did fine in Arizona heat. You will be fine.
My two candy heart pluerries will be shipped in about two weeks, according to raintree.